Stroke facts and figures

According to the World Stroke Organization:

  • There are over 12.2 million new strokes each year. Globally, one in four people over age 25 will have a stroke in their lifetime.
  • Each year, over 62% of all strokes occur in people under 70 years of age.
  • Each year, 53% of all strokes occur in women.
  • Globally, there are over 101 million people currently living who have experienced stroke.
  • Six and a half-million people die from stroke annually.


“The Burden of Stroke report showed that between 2015 and 2035 the number of strokes is expected to rise by 34% due to an ageing population and across Europe the number of people living with stroke is set to increase by one million, reaching 4,631,050 survivors. The total healthcare and non-healthcare related cost of stroke in the EU – an estimated 45 billion Euros in 2015 is set to rise.” (Stroke Action Plan for Europe).

The Burden of Stroke In Europe report, published by SAFE and Kings College sets out stroke rates, mortality and survival rates as well as stroke provision for each country in Europe:“Public awareness of stroke as a medical emergency is poor. An international European study showed that about one in five people could not identify any stroke symptoms and only about half would call an ambulance.

“It is estimated that only about 30% of European stroke patients receive stroke unit care. Variations between countries, but particularly also between different areas within countries, are large. Rural and remote areas often have poor access between 2015 and 2035, there will be a 34% increase in total number of stroke events in the EU from 613,148 in 2015 to 819,771 in 2035.”(Burden of Stroke  In Europe:

The “At What Cost – the Economic Impact of Stroke in Europe” report shows that the total cost (health care, social care, informal care and productivity losses) of stroke care was €60 billion in 2017. Future costs of stroke care in Europe could increase to €86 billion in 2040 if we fail to invest in stroke prevention, treatments and rehabilitation.

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