Researchers find major inequalities in acute stroke treatment across Europe
Every year, up to 1.3 million people in Europe suffer a first stroke. Acute stroke treatment strategies such as acute treatment of patients in a stroke unit, intravenous thrombolysis and endovascular treatment significantly improve the outcome for patients with...

SAFE Angels Project: The survey is on
Since this May, in selected hospitals in 12 European countries: Spain, Serbia, Poland, Czech Republic, Latvia, Croatia, Macedonia, Greece, Ukraine, Georgia, Hungary and Turkey, stroke patients and their carers are being provided with information on stroke and...

May stroke awareness activities within Slovenian Stroke Support Organisation
Slovenian stroke support organisation »Združenje bolnikov s cerebrovaskularno boleznijo Slovenije« is one of SAFE's very active members. We recently received an authored text about their stroke awareness activities in May 2018 from Jelka Janša, who is an active member...

World Stroke Congress 2018 late breaking abstract submission is open
The World Stroke Congress 2018’s late breaking abstract submission is now open. Don’t miss this last opportunity to be part of this year’s program! Share your work now, and get valuable feedback from colleagues and leaders in the field, opportunities for...

The incidence of stroke in Turkey is increasing, but BEYINDER is striving for change
According the Turkish Statistical Organisation, one person dies every 14 minutes because of stroke in Turkey and 40.000 people died of stroke in 2017. As much as these data seem horrifying, there is a hope for change. Since recently, there is a stroke support...