Closing date for abstracts for the 1st European Life After Stroke Forum fast approaching
The 27th November is the deadline for the abstract submissions for the 1st European Life After Stroke Forum. We are calling on for applications in two areas: Scientific applications: this may be for completed for ongoing trials and studies in the broad area of life...

Invitation to a post-stroke cognitive impairment conference
Our President, Jon Barrick, will be presenting at 'Setting the Cogs in Motion: Intervention though Collaboration' conference on 27th November 2020. The event focuses on post-stroke cognitive impairment and promises to be a great day of exciting talks and presentations...

SAFE and ESO present the roadmap of implementation for the Stroke Action Plan for Europe
SAFE and the European Stroke Organisation held its first online working session to implement the Stroke Action Plan for Europe 2018-2030. Over 80 representatives from 52 participating countries were introduced to the roadmap of actions for the upcoming year of 2021. ...

Urgent investment in stroke care needed to mend overstretched health systems
Brussels, 9 November 2020 - New research published today shows future costs of stroke care in Europe could increase to €86 billion in 2040 if we fail to invest in stroke prevention, treatments and rehabilitation. The study was commissioned by SAFE and undertaken by...

Breaking news – our 1st European Life After Stroke Forum is going virtual!
We are excited to announce the first ever European Life After Stroke Forum is going virtual. With so much uncertainty in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, we can now ensure that this important event will be able to go ahead and be accessible to many more delegates...