European Stroke Organisation publishes new guideline
The European Stroke Organisation has published a new guideline on Intravenous Thrombolysis for acute ischaemic stroke in the European Stroke Journal. This is the first in a series of up to 10 new guidelines that are expected to be published in 2021 with additional...

Programme for the 1st in our life after stroke series of webinars released
Life after stroke: priorities, challenges and ways forward on 12 March 2021 09.00-10.30 GMT In this opening session we will hear from Bo Norrving (Sweden), Juliet Bouverie (UK), Liam Healy (Ireland) and Caterina Pistarini (Italy) on people’s experiences of the impact...

Launching Life After Stroke Series of Interactive Webinars for 2021 – Shining a spotlight on life after stroke
Today we are launching a series of free interactive events to build the life after stroke healthcare, research and patient community, stimulate debate and ultimately improve life after stroke care and build interest for SAFE’s 1st European Life After Stroke Forum on...

Postponement of the 1st European Life After Stroke Forum 12 March 2021
The world has been transformed over the last year due to the pandemic and our healthcare systems have been put under tremendous strain. SAFE has listened to the stroke clinical community in Europe and we have decided to postpone our full virtual conference planned for...

WHO launches updated clinical management guidance for COVID-19, including additional recommendation on stroke
COVID-19 is associated with neurological manifestations, including stroke. In many cases, these have been reported even without respiratory symptoms. COVID-19 has been associated with acute cerebrovascular disease (including ischaemic and haemorrhagic stroke). ...