Launch of new EU stroke research project. 


Launch of new EU stroke research project. 

New research announced today (11 May 2021), European Stroke Awareness Day will develop micro-robots to unblock blood vessels and fight stroke from within.   A new ground-breaking project, ANGIE, funded by the EU, aims to develop nano-surgeons that will enter the body...

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Sign up to the ESO Guideline Webinar, 11 May 2021, 3-5pm CEST

Sign up to the ESO Guideline Webinar, 11 May 2021, 3-5pm CEST

The European Stroke Organisation (ESO) has been working on establishing new guidelines for stroke. Get first-hand information about upcoming ESO guidelines and register for the webinar. Four speakers will present the following new guidelines: Covert Small Vessel...

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Programme for Life After Stroke webinar on 12 March finalised

Programme for Life After Stroke webinar on 12 March finalised

Join speakers Bo Norrving, Juliet Bouverie, Caterina Pistarini and Liam Healy at the first webinar in the Life After Stroke series on 12 March 9.45 to 11.30 CET. Also joining the session is Alexia Kountouri, Ambassador for Stroke in Cyprus, who will share her personal...

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