Dear SAFE member,
SAFE has funding for members who disseminate information about the EC funded research projects that we are involved in. This year (2019) we can pay €674.00.
If you would like to be involved in this dissemination and get paid for it, please let us know by sending an email to both Jelena Misita and Gary Randall
It is up to you how you use this information but you must send us some proof that it was done (e.g. translation, newsletter, website links etc.)
All of the following activities count as dissemination:
translation of the text from English to your native language
telling other parties about the projects(your membership, contacts, the public)
mentioning the projects in a newsletter or leaflet or on your website
showing project videos to any audience (not applicable this year as they are new projects and no video yet)
design of leaflets, posters
updates on your website with news, progress reports
access to the media in your country e.g. newspaper, magazine, radio, TV
To claim the funding, please send a proof of dissemination to and you will be sent a dissemination timesheet that needs to be fulfilled. Only after that the payment to your organisation can be made.