About the Stroke Alliance for Europe
We are the voice of stroke patients and survivors in Europe, representing a range of stroke support organisations from more than 30 European countries.
Our goal is to reduce the number and impact of strokes in Europe: we advocate for better stroke prevention, equal access to treatment, better and more post-stroke care, rehabilitation and long-term support.
Our Projects
Stroke Action Plan for Europe sets out targets and recommendations across the whole care pathway: primary prevention, organisation of stroke care, acute stroke care, secondary prevention, rehabilitation, evaluation of outcomes and life after stroke.
We launched the European Life After Stroke Forum in 2019. The aim is to create an opportunity to come together, share and network to improve life after care and support throughout Europe.
Join us at the European Stroke Organisation Conference 2023 in Munich, 24-26 May
Early bird rates deadline for our European Life After Stroke Forum ends today!
European Stroke Organisation guideline webinar, Thursday 2 February
Early bird rates for the European Life After Stroke Forum ends Tuesday 31 January!
Webinar on guidelines for screening for AF in cryptogenic stroke, 26 January, 18.30 CET
Speakers confirmed for the European Life After Stroke Forum, 10 March, Barcelona
Save the date for our first in-person Life After Stroke Conference, 10 March 2023
Participate in an important survey on medicine shortages
Speakers confirmed for the 3rd session of our life after stroke series on 9 November
Open call for the Chief Operations Officer of the Stroke Action Plan for Europe
Fatigue after stroke – experts share their knowledge at the life after stroke series event 9 November
How can the EU non-communicable disease (NCD) initiative Healthier Together inspire better outcomes for stroke patients?
Getting back to work after stroke – experts share their knowledge at the Life After Stroke Series Event, 9 November
Stroke survivors take centre stage at our Life After Stroke Series event, 9 November
Join us at the ANGIE Kick-start Programme
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