Consumers warned about accuracy of heart rate apps


Consumers warned about accuracy of heart rate apps

Sophia Antipolis, 3 May 2017- Consumers are being warned about the accuracy of heart rate apps after a study found huge variability between commercially available apps, even those using the same technology. The research is published today in the European Journal of...

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Sugary drinks might damage your brain, new research suggests

Sugary drinks might damage your brain, new research suggests

Excess sugar, especially the fructose in sugary drinks, might damage your brain, new research suggests. Researchers found that people who drink sugary beverages frequently are more likely to have poorer memory, smaller overall brain volume, and a significantly smaller...

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#LeanOnMe challenge #StrokeEurope

#LeanOnMe challenge #StrokeEurope

We invite you to the #LeanOnMe challenge, to show your support to stroke survivors and their families by posting pictures of stroke survivors held by the hands by family members or friends. Let’s raise awareness about the type of support that all stroke survivors and...

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Stroke happened: How to return to your life #StrokeEurope

Stroke happened: How to return to your life #StrokeEurope

No stroke is the same, and the impact on stroke survivors and their families/care givers can be devastating and multifaceted. Apart from body functions, stroke also affects everyday activities, not just of the stroke survivor but everyone around him. How these...

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