Higher IQ in childhood is linked to a longer life


Higher IQ in childhood is linked to a longer life

Higher intelligence (IQ) in childhood is associated with a lower lifetime risk of major causes of death, including heart disease, stroke, smoking related cancers, respiratory disease and dementia, finds a study published by The BMJ. It is the largest study to date...

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New technique makes brain scans better

New technique makes brain scans better

People who suffer a stroke often undergo a brain scan at the hospital, allowing doctors to determine the location and extent of the damage. Researchers who study the effects of strokes would love to be able to analyze these images, but the resolution is often too low...

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New technique makes brain scans better

Long-term memories made with meaningful information

When trying to memorize information, it is better to relate it to something meaningful rather than repeat it again and again to make it stick, according to a recent Baycrest Health Sciences study published in NeuroImage. "When we are learning new information, our...

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