The mere presence of your smartphone reduces brain power, study shows
Your cognitive capacity is significantly reduced when your smartphone is within reach -- even if it's off. That's the takeaway finding from a new study from the McCombs School of Business at The University of Texas at Austin. McCombs Assistant Professor Adrian Ward...

Learning with music can change brain structure
Using musical cues to learn a physical task significantly develops an important part of the brain, according to a new study. People who practiced a basic movement task to music showed increased structural connectivity between the regions of the brain that process...

Stroke – Equal Access to Evidence Based High Quality Prevention, Management and Rehabilitation
The Experts Statement Document Tallinn, Estonia, July, 6 2017 Inequalities in stroke risk and stroke provision across Europe should be of great concern to European policy makers, especially considering the predicted increase in the number of people having a stroke in...

SAFE’s President Jon Barrick received an honorary degree of Professional Doctorate in Policy Research and Practice in University of Bath
Jon Barrick, SAFE's President since 2014, received an honorary degree of Professional Doctorate in Policy Research and Practice in University of Bath as the recognition of a long and distinguished career serving the public good in the charitable and statutory sectors....

Does carrying extra weight offer better survival following a stroke?
Despite the fact that obesity increases both the risk for stroke and death, a new study has found that people who are overweight or even mildly obese survive strokes at a higher rate as compared to those with a normal body weight. The findings, which appear in the...