Yoga and aerobic exercise together may improve heart disease risk factors
Heart disease patients who practice yoga in addition to aerobic exercise saw twice the reduction in blood pressure, body mass index and cholesterol levels when compared to patients who practiced either Indian yoga or aerobic exercise alone, according to research to be...

Interview with Sarah Belson, one of the content writers of the Stroke Support Organisation Faculty Tool modules
Sarah is the International Development Manager at the World Stroke Organization; leading, developing and implementing a programme of capacity building activities for new and emerging patient stroke support organizations (SSOs) around the world. What brought you to...

The Osservatorio Ictus Italia presented the report “The Burden of Stroke in Europe”
The Osservatorio Ictus Italia, in collaboration with S.A.F.E. - Stroke Alliance for Europe and with the support of Member of European Parliament, Mr Aldo Patriciello, presented on 17th October 2017 in Rome the Italian translation of the "Burden of Stroke in Europe“,...

“You have to be a fighter! Life after a stroke“ by Chantal Keller
For this year's World Stroke Day, on 29th October, Blëtz a.s.b.l, a stroke support organisation from Luxembourg organised a conference "I am no longer myself" - When the handicap is invisible - approach to stroke from the neuropsychology perspective. The event was...

Three days after a severe stroke, I left the hospital. Seven days later I was back to work
At a recently held event in EU Parliament, Geography matters: Inequalities in Access to Stroke Care and Innovation a stroke survivor from Belgium shared his story with the auditorium. He agreed to share it also here, so more people could see his testimony. "My name is...