ELASF will be accredited by EACCME® for healthcare professionals
The European Life After Stroke Forum on 11-12 March in Dublin, has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®). This means that healthcare professional delegates will be awarded 6.5 European CME credits (ECMEC®s)...

Member spotlight: Estonian Stroke Patients’ Society
As part of our new member spotlight series, the Estonian team have shared their news with us. Greetings from the Estonian Stroke Patients' Society! Over the past six months, our organisation has undergone a period of huge change that has been touching almost every...

European Life After Stroke Forum – Early bird registration ends 31 January
We are now only two months away from the next European Life After Stroke Forum which takes place in Dublin on the 11-12 March. This second in-person life after stroke focussed event promises to be a vital platform for sharing insights, discussing the latest research,...

SAFE members calls for EU to implement CVD health plan
Last week saw five SAFE members travel to Strasbourg to join the European Alliance for Cardiovascular Health (EACH) and European Stroke Organisation (ESO) to come together to jointly advocate for population-wide access to cardiovascular risk assessments and care...

European Life After Stroke Forum 2024 – Programme now LIVE
We are so pleased to announce that the programme for our European Life After Stroke Forum is now live on the website. Our 2024 event in Dublin promises to be a vital platform for sharing insights, discussing the latest research, and delving into best practices in this...