How Dogs Can Help Your Mental Health After a Stroke


How Dogs Can Help Your Mental Health After a Stroke

Having a stroke is a terrifying experience, and it is only natural to start experiencing some symptoms of anxiety and depression when it is all over. After all, it is something that often brings a person close to death, and it can seem like no one else understands the...

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A dual-therapy approach to boost motor recovery after a stroke

A dual-therapy approach to boost motor recovery after a stroke

First appeared on Paralysis of an arm and/or leg is one of the most common effects of a stroke. But thanks to research carried out by scientists at the Defitech Foundation Chair in Brain-Machine Interface, in association with other members of EPFL's...

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‘Smart stent’ detects narrowing of arteries

‘Smart stent’ detects narrowing of arteries

First appeared on For every three individuals who have had a stent implanted to keep clogged arteries open and prevent a heart attack, at least one will experience restenosis -- the renewed narrowing of the artery due to plaque buildup or scarring --...

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