Spasticity after stroke: Will my hand get better?
This article first appeared on arni.uk.com Written by Tom Balchin Upper limb spasticity is suffered by a full 70% of the stroke population, By three months post stroke 19% of people will experience spasticity and this figure increases to 38% of people after 12...

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) can increase men’s risk of stroke and heart attack
First published on ScienceDaily.com Aging men with low testosterone levels who take testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) are at a slightly greater risk of experiencing an ischemic stroke, transient ischemic attack (TIA), or myocardial infarction, especially during...

New technology improves atrial fibrillation detection after stroke
First published on ScienceDaily.com A new method of evaluating irregular heartbeats outperformed the approach that's currently used widely in stroke units to detect instances of atrial fibrillation. The technology, called electrocardiomatrix, goes further than...

Urinary tract and other infections may trigger different kinds of stroke
First published on ScienceDaily.com Several infections have been identified as possible stroke triggers, with urinary tract infections showing the strongest link with ischemic stroke, according to new research in the American Heart Association's journal Stroke....

Long work hours associated with increased risk of stroke
First published on ScienceDaily.com Working long hours for 10 years or more may be associated with stroke. People under age 50 had a higher risk of stroke when working long hours for a decade or more. People who worked long hours had a higher risk of stroke,...