Are primary stroke centers associated with lower fatality?


Are primary stroke centers associated with lower fatality?

Does a long travel time to a primary stroke center (PSC) offset the potential benefits of this specialized care? In an article published online by JAMA Internal Medicine, Kimon Bekelis, M.D., of Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, N.H., and coauthors analyzed...

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Are primary stroke centers associated with lower fatality?

Insomnia? Oversleeping? Both may increase your risk of stroke

There is growing evidence that sleep disorders like insomnia and sleep apnea are related to stroke risk and recovery from stroke, according to a recent literature review. The review is published in the August 3, 2016, online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of...

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Are primary stroke centers associated with lower fatality?

Brain App launched in Iceland

Lilja Stefánsdóttir, housewife; RAX (Ragnar Guðni Axelsson ) photographer and Thorir Steingrímsson chairman of Heilaheill, Icelandic stroke support organisation, presented new mobile App in TV show "Sirrý" on TV Hringbraut on July 27, 2016. The guests are all stroke...

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Are primary stroke centers associated with lower fatality?

We’re going purple

The SAFE board have agreed that we want to associate purple color and stroke across Europe. Using the same color in our materials will tie our work together across languages. Shared use of purple also makes it easier for us to adapt each others’ materials and share it...

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Are primary stroke centers associated with lower fatality?

New home for the German Stroke Foundation

The German Stroke Foundation has a new home. After 13 months of rehabilitation time this stroke support organisation took over officially the building in Schulstraße 22, Gütersloh, provided by the Bertelsmann Foundation. This foundation has bought the house in May...

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