Webinar on guidelines for screening for AF in cryptogenic stroke, 26 January, 18.30 CET
Join the webinar on 26 January for the latest guidelines on screening for Atrial Fibrillation in strokes without a known cause. Speakers are: Dr Johannes Sebastian Mutzenbach - Neurology-led management of cryptogenic stroke patients: from theory to practice Professor...

Speakers confirmed for the European Life After Stroke Forum, 10 March, Barcelona
Speakers for the first plenary session are confirmed for the European Life After Stroke Forum on 10 March, Barcelona, Spain. The presentations for this session are: A life saved is a life worth living report launch, Professor Charles Wolfe, King’s College London,...

Speakers announced for the European Life After Stroke Forum 10 March 2023
Speakers for the plenary session on secondary prevention after stroke are confirmed for the European Life After Stroke Forum on 10 March, Barcelona, Spain. This session will address some of the challenges and solutions around secondary prevention after stroke. It will...

Abstract submission deadline extended for the European Life After Stroke Forum
Interested in presenting a 10-minute oral presentation or a poster presentation at the European Life After Stroke Forum on 10 March in Barcelona? The deadline for submitting abstracts for the Forum has been extended to 24.00 CET Monday 16 January. We are looking for...

Early bird rate for the European Life After Stroke Forum extended to 31 January
We have extended the deadline for the early bird rates for our first European Life After Stroke Forum on 10 March 2023 in Barcelona to 31 January 2023. About the Forum The Forum is the place to find the latest evidence and research in this neglected area of stroke...