Synthetic voices, as unique as fingerprints

Synthetic voices, as unique as fingerprints

Rupal Patel at TEDWomen 2013 · 11:44 · Filmed Dec 2013 - I'd like to talk today about a powerful and fundamental aspect of who we are: our voice. Each one of us has a unique voiceprint that reflects our age, our size, even our lifestyle and personality. In the words...

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Wearables help stroke victims

Wearables help stroke victims

Author: Eric Butterman Imagine the feeling of not being able to do all the routine, effortless movements you’ve always performed. The motion of brushing your teeth. Putting one foot in front of the other to walk your dog. Even raising a spoon of cereal to your lips to...

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Stroke risk higher for younger than older pregnant women

Stroke risk higher for younger than older pregnant women

Written by Honor Whiteman Published on Older women are usually considered at greater risk of pregnancy complications than younger women. However, when it comes to stroke during pregnancy, a new study suggests it is younger women who...

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