New drug limits and then repairs brain damage in stroke


New drug limits and then repairs brain damage in stroke

Researchers at The University of Manchester have discovered that a potential new drug reduces the number of brain cells destroyed by stroke and then helps to repair the damage. A reduction in blood flow to the brain caused by stroke is a major cause of death and...

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SAFE and ESO met the European Union Health Commission

SAFE and ESO met the European Union Health Commission

Brussels, 30th November 2016 - Jon Barrick SAFE President and Valeria Caso President of the European Stroke Organisation of Stroke Professionals had a meeting today at the European Union Health Commission to discuss the quality of Stroke prevention, care and support...

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Stroke vs. Aneurysm: Treatment Options

Stroke vs. Aneurysm: Treatment Options

A brain aneurysm is a bulge in an artery in the brain that has the potential to burst or rupture. A ruptured aneurysm can cause a type of stroke called a subarachnoid hemorrhage. An estimated 5 percent of Americans may have or develop a brain aneurysm each year,...

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How does alcohol affect stroke risk? Study investigates

How does alcohol affect stroke risk? Study investigates

Written by Ana Sandoiu Published on As the winter holidays are fast approaching, alcohol consumption rates are about to go up. While low to moderate drinking has been shown by some studies to have beneficial effects on the heart and circulatory...

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