Aug 31, 2016
The World Stroke Organisation (WSO) Board election 2016 is now closed. Stroke Alliance for Europe is proud to share the information that the president of our organisation Jon Barrick is among newly elected WSO Board members.
Aug 29, 2016
“FASTER — Face, Arm, Speech, Time, Eyes, React — may be a better acronym for the public campaign,” said Prof. Ashok Handa, senior author of the British Journal of Surgery study.
The study included 150 patients with a confirmed transient ischaemic attack or minor stroke who presented to a clinic in England during a 5-month interval in 2014. Overall 92 (61.3 per cent) of the patients had a delay in presenting to medical services. (more…)
Aug 26, 2016
A new hope for reversing stroke-induced long-term disability emerges thanks to the novel approach in a USC-led study. A human protein combined with stem cell therapy has been found to repair stroke damage to the brain, according to a new USC-led study on mice (more…)
Aug 24, 2016
In 2016, SAFE had four regional meetings. The first was the one for South European countries, held in Athens, Greece on 1st June 2016. The next one was in Skopje, attended mostly by SSO representatives from Balkan countries and colleagues from UK, Nederland and Poland. The third meeting was held in Oslo, Norway, on 16th June for Northern European countries. And the final meeting gathered representatives from the East of Europe in beautiful city of Krakow, Poland, on 5th July.
The theme for all of the 2016 regional meetings was self-management of stroke and stroke clubs, as well as supporting supporters and volunteers in SAFE member’s countries, with special focus on SAFE’s activities during 2016. (more…)
Aug 23, 2016
September’s issue of European Stroke Journal (ESJ) is now available. The ESJ is the official publication of the European Stroke Organisation (ESO), a fully peer-reviewed journal, launched in 2016 covering clinical stroke research from all fields.
Published research includes, but is not limited to, clinical trials, epidemiology, primary and secondary prevention, diagnosis, acute and post-acute management, guidelines, translation of experimental findings into clinical practice, rehabilitation, organisation of stroke care, and societal impact. (more…)
Aug 22, 2016
Anemia, a lack of red blood cells, may be linked to a higher risk of death in older adults who have had a stroke, according to new research in Journal of the American Heart Association, the Open Access Journal of the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association.
Anemia is common in patients with acute stroke. Both anemia and low hemoglobin levels, which are proteins in red blood cells that carry oxygen throughout the body, are also common in older people, said Phyo Myint, M.D., senior study author and Professor of Medicine of Old Age at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland. (more…)
Aug 19, 2016
Using aspirin urgently could substantially reduce the risk of major strokes in patients who have minor ‘warning’ events, a group of European researchers has found. Writing in the Lancet, the team say that immediate self-treatment when patients experience stroke-like symptoms would considerably reduce the risk of major stroke over the next few days.
Aspirin is already given to people who have had a stroke or transient ischaemic attack (TIA — often called a ‘mini-stroke’) to prevent further strokes after they have been assessed in hospital and in the longer-term, reducing the subsequent stroke risk by about 15%. However, based on a previous study in Oxford (the EXPRESS Study) the team suspected that the benefits of more immediate treatment with aspirin could be much greater. (more…)
Aug 18, 2016
Does a long travel time to a primary stroke center (PSC) offset the potential benefits of this specialized care?
In an article published online by JAMA Internal Medicine, Kimon Bekelis, M.D., of Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, N.H., and coauthors analyzed data for a national group of Medicare beneficiaries and calculated travel time to evaluate the association of seven-day and 30-day death rates with receiving care in a PSC.
Aug 17, 2016
There is growing evidence that sleep disorders like insomnia and sleep apnea are related to stroke risk and recovery from stroke, according to a recent literature review. The review is published in the August 3, 2016, online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.
Based on the review, the authors recommend that people who have had a stroke or a mini-stroke, called a transient ischemic attack, be screened for sleep disorders.
“Although sleep disorders are common after a stroke, very few stroke patients are tested for them,” said study author Dirk M. Hermann, MD, of University Hospital Essen in Essen, Germany. “The results of our review show that should change, as people with sleep disorders may be more likely to have another stroke or other negative outcomes than people without sleep problems, such as having to go to a nursing home after leaving the hospital.”
The researchers also recommend that sleep apnea be treated with a continuous positive airway pressure machine (CPAP), based on evidence that shows that its use can improve outcomes after stroke.
For the literature review, the researchers examined dozens of studies that looked at the link between sleep disturbances and stroke. They then combined the data of multiple studies in a meta-analysis.
Sleep disorders generally fall into two categories: sleep breathing problems and sleep-wake disorders. Sleep breathing problems like sleep apnea disrupt breathing while asleep. Sleep-wake disorders like insomnia and restless leg syndrome affect the amount of time spent asleep.
The review found evidence linking sleep breathing problems with stroke risk and recovery. Sleep-wake disorders may increase stroke risk and harm recovery, although there is less evidence to prove so.
Due to this lack of evidence and to possible side effects, the researchers are cautious to recommend treatment of sleep-wake disorders with drugs.
Story Source: American Academy of Neurology. “Insomnia? Oversleeping? Both may increase your risk of stroke.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 3 August 2016. <>.
Aug 9, 2016
Lilja Stefánsdóttir, housewife; RAX (Ragnar Guðni Axelsson ) photographer and Thorir Steingrímsson chairman of Heilaheill, Icelandic stroke support organisation, presented new mobile App in TV show “Sirrý” on TV Hringbraut on July 27, 2016. The guests are all stroke survivors and members of HEILAHEILL.
With this activity started the promotion and distribution of new Brain-App, a life-saving measure for those with stroke symptoms, directly connected to the Emergency Service Line 112. This is an App designed for free download to all smartphones and anyone can download it through their provider, the Apple Store, Google Play or others. (more…)