Dec 6, 2023
We are so pleased to announce that the programme for our European Life After Stroke Forum is now live on the website. Our 2024 event in Dublin promises to be a vital platform for sharing insights, discussing the latest research, and delving into best practices in this often under-researched area.
Our plenary topics are:
Plenary 1 – Building the evidence for support for life after stroke
Plenary 2 – Life after stroke – Support in action
Plenary 3 – A showcase of life after stroke from Ireland
Topics for parallels
- A disproportionate burden? Life after stroke in women.
- Spasticity: What is it and how can we manage it?
- A vision for vision after stroke
- No decision about me without me – speaking together with one voice
- Exploring mental health post-stroke
- Secondary stroke prevention: Managing blood pressure and the benefits of exercise.
To access the full programme, click here.
To register for the event, click here.
Nov 10, 2023
We are very pleased to announce that the Czech Republic is the 13th country to endorse the Declaration for Action on Stroke and enact the Stroke Action Plan for Europe, bringing the country another step closer to guaranteeing the highest standard of care and support for stroke patients.
To find out more about the Stroke Action Plan for Europe, visit the SAP-E website
Oct 18, 2023
The 3rd edition of the Brain Innovation Days team will take place on 26-27 October 2023 in Brussels (Belgium) under the overarching theme “The Brain in the 21st Century”, centred around building resilience and better brain health for future generations and increasing our brains’ readiness to adapt to an ever-changing environment.
Five sub-themes will inspire an array of sessions throughout the two full days:
- Resilient Brains: The Impact of Political, Societal, and Environmental Factors
- Boosting Brain Health and Preventing Brain Disorders
- What’s New? Innovative devices, substances and medicines for brain disorders
- The Self-Healing Brain: Use it or Lose it
- Towards a Brain Healthy 22nd Century
Sessions will include Brain Talks, How-To, sponsor-led satellite sessions, brain innovation days pitch competition, panel discussions with leading experts, an innovation hall and plenty of networking opportunities. To find out more, view the programme here.
Sep 26, 2023
The European Life After Stroke Forum (ELASF) brings together people from a research, policy, advocacy and support perspective with people who have lived experience of stroke, to share and discuss research and best practice in life after stroke.
We are now seeking abstracts for the 2nd ELASF, for the opportunity to present either a ten-minute oral presentation or a poster presentation.
Abstracts may be submitted for two presentation types:
Scientific: We are looking for scientific abstracts that may be for either completed or ongoing trials and studies, in the broad area of life after stroke.
Services: We are also looking for abstracts that shares experiences of service developments in life after stroke with the view that these original ideas and innovative practices can be used by others.
Please submit your abstract here – the deadline for submissions is 2 November 2023.
Sep 19, 2023
We are pleased to announce that our second in-person European Life After Stroke event website is now live, click here to view. Our registration and abstract submissions are also live.
Our Scientific Committee are in the process of confirming the final programme. Topics that we are likely to include are detailed below, but may be subject to change:
- What does a ‘good’ life after stroke look like?
- Reducing your risk of another stroke
- Practical tips to promote mental health
- Specific topics; managing fatigue and visual problems after stroke
We hope to see you in Dublin on the 11-12 March 2024!
Jul 5, 2023
World Stroke Organization Global Policy Webinar
📅 Tuesday 18th July at 13.00 CEST
A global call to action – Increasing thrombectomy access and provision
Moderator: Professor Martin James
Speakers and topics:
1. Dileep Yavagal, SVIN
‘Understanding the global picture from policy to access’
2. Sheila Martins, WSO President
‘Developing stroke systems of care for thrombectomy in low-and-middle income countries’
3. Marc Ribó, Neurologist and Interventionalist
‘Organizing stroke care and measuring the results in a regional level: The experience of Catalonia’
Register here
Jun 27, 2023
We are very pleased to announce that Romania has pledged to enhance its stroke care by endorsing the Declaration for Action on Stroke and enacting the Stroke Action Plan for Europe.
This is a significant step toward guaranteeing the highest standard of care and support for stroke patients in Romania. (Photo: Minister of Health, Professor Dr. Alexandru Rafila)
To find out more about the Stroke Action Plan for Europe click here
May 9, 2023
On European Stroke Awareness Day (9 May) we highlight how stroke survivors’ needs are being neglected and suffer as a result.
Our recent report, A life saved is a life worth living – the unmet needs of stroke survivors in Europe, reveals that one in eight stroke survivors has suicidal thoughts, around a third of stroke survivors will become clinically depressed in the years following their stroke and up to a quarter suffer ongoing problems with anxiety.
The report brings together for the first time, research in to over 80 unmet needs of stroke survivors in Europe. It concludes that more should be done to address the needs of the growing number of people surviving stroke.
Please read more here
May 8, 2023
New data released today from the Stroke Action Plan for Europe Services Stroke Tracker, reveals the gross inequity of access to care and support for stroke patients and stroke survivors across Europe.
The Stroke Action Plan for Europe was launched in 2018, to provide a framework for European governments to improve stroke care and support for all citizens in Europe. As part of this Plan, and for the first time, data from across 36 countries across Europe, covering 12 key areas of improvement, has been collected and is available here [link to the website]. In summary the data shows:
- There is inequity in access to stroke care in Europe and insufficient access to care also in many high-income countries. This is the case for acute care, and to an even larger degree for rehabilitation and life after stroke support.
- National and/or regional data are crucial in planning, organising and documenting access to care; however, such data are lacking or incomplete in the majority of European countries. Most European countries do not have a National Stroke Plan or National/regional registries to monitor stroke care.
- The burden of stroke is predicted to increase but despite this, most countries do not have a plan for primordial or primary prevention.
Professor Hanne Karup Christensen, Stroke Action Plan for Europe steering committee chair: To reduce the burden of stroke in the years to come with its grave effects on individuals as well as societies, governments must prioritise implementing an adequate organization which include plans for primary and primordial prevention, National stroke plans and national/regional registries to monitor quality, outcomes and access to stroke care.
Arlene Wilkie, Director General, Stroke Alliance Eruope: This data released today shows a woeful lack of equitable access to stroke care and support across Europe. This is not good enough. Our governments must do more to prevent stroke, and when they do occur, ensure that every citizen has access to physical and emotional care and support in hospital as well as the ongoing long term support that each stroke survivor and carer needs when they go home. Urgent action is needed by each country to implement and fund a national stroke plan that covers everything from prevention, to acute care, rehabilitation and long term support.
All information can be found here
Apr 11, 2023
We are looking for a new European communications and engagement manager..
This person must be creative, passionate and productive with experience in health communication, using all the main channels of communication. and digital asset creation. This person must have excellent written and spoken English.
This role will help us build a strong community with our members and will also help us deliver our flagship projects including the European Life After Stroke Forum, the Stroke Action Plan for Europe and our EU research projects.
Read more and apply here: