Mar 19, 2024
Thank you to all those that came to our event European Life After Stroke Forum (ELASF) in Dublin on the 11-12 March. We are delighted to have so many of the European Stroke Community come together to continue to improve Life After Stroke.
To view the abstract book, please download it here.
To view the slides from the event, please click here.
To register to be the first to hear about our 2025 event, please click here.
Mar 18, 2024
The Stroke Alliance for Europe (SAFE) and the European Stroke Organisation (ESO) today launch their joint EU MEP Election Manifesto 2024. For the elections in June we are asking MEP candidates to support improving health across the EU with a focus on improving prevention, care and support of those affected by stroke across Europe.
Every year, nearly 1.5 million people suffer a stroke in 32 European countries1. Stroke can be devastating – leading to death or life-long disability2, shattering the lives of victims and their loved ones. Those who survive will join the more than 9 million European stroke survivors who live with long term health, social, and financial impacts3.
The EU Non-Communicable Disease Initiative, Healthier Together, launched by the European Commission in 2022, provides opportunities for policy action that both EU-level and national policymakers should build on. We call upon all EU level policymakers, to prioritise stroke in health policies, to support member states to develop national stroke plans and lead research into the under-examined areas of stroke.
Following the principles of the Stroke Action Plan for Europe, SAFE and ESO are calling for the implementation of the following policy proposals:
Prior to a stroke
- Primary prevention and risk factor control
- Implement legislation for public health interventions
- Implement risk factor screening and treatment programmes
Amidst the stroke
- Quality of care and stroke management
- Ensure equal access to acute stroke care
- Establish a quality improvement system for stroke services
Life after stroke
- Prevent further stroke and take care of those who had one
- Implement post-rehabilitation personal care plans that offer non-medical support
- Provide sufficient secondary prevention services
- Guarantee equitable access to rehabilitation prior and post discharge
- Develop a European framework of reference for stroke care quality
- Empower a dignified life after stroke
Understanding stroke
- Provide sufficient research funding
- Improve stroke services with better data
- Encourage research into under-examined areas of stroke
- At what cost: The economic impact of stroke in Europe. University of Oxford for the Stroke Alliance for Europe (SAFE).
- Sudharsanan, N., Deshmukh, M., & Kalkonde, Y. (2019). Direct estimates of disability-adjusted life years lost due to stroke : a cross-sectional observational study in a demographic surveillance site in rural Gadchiroli, India. BMJ open, 9(11), e028695.
- Wafa, H. A., Wolfe, C. D. A., Emmett, E., Roth, G. A., Johnson, C. O., & Wang, Y. (2020). Burden of Stroke in Europe: Thirty-Year Projections of Incidence, Prevalence, Deaths, and Disability-Adjusted Life Years. Stroke, 51(8), 2418–2427.
Mar 15, 2024
On Brain Awareness Week’s fifth day we are focusing on ANGIE, a research project supported by EU, which aims to develop micro-robots for targeted drug delivery, to dissolve blood clots in acute stroke treatment.
To ensure accurate targeting, the research team have developed 3D-printed re-constructions of patient’s brain vessels based on their MRI scans. These brain 3D models are gaining recognition in the medical community for their ability to provide a realistic and safe environment for doctors treating stroke to hone their skills and facilitating earlier and more extensive training.
Ultimately, this advancement could mean that more patients have access to more lifesaving procedures and go on to improve stroke treatment outcomes.
More information can be found at

The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 952152.
Feb 16, 2024
The European Life After Stroke Forum on 11-12 March in Dublin, has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®). This means that healthcare professional delegates will be awarded 6.5 European CME credits (ECMEC®s) following the completion of our post-event survey.
Jan 31, 2024
As part of our new member spotlight series, the Estonian team have shared their news with us.
Greetings from the Estonian Stroke Patients’ Society!
Over the past six months, our organisation has undergone a period of huge change that has been touching almost every aspect of the Society. The reason for this overhaul was the realisation that we wouldn’t be able to create the organisation we wanted, by doing what we had always done. We needed to revert to basics and build a solid foundation to continue to build on to achieve our new vision, mission and goals. Here are some of the key actions we have undertaken to lay these foundations and continue to respond to the unmet needs of stroke survivors in Estonia:
We launched a ‘Science and Development Team’ consisting of nine specialists from various fields, ranging from those with strategic and technical knowledge to health specialists, including one doctoral student in neuroscience. The goal of the team is to support our continued development, using their knowledge to drive activities, so that we are sustainable, the voice of stroke patients is heard, and we are considered as an equal partner in stroke in the future.
We have also updated our visual look and feel with a new logo, a new colour scheme and a brand-new website. This new visual style has also been applied to our information materials, including a guide that supports stroke patients to access therapy.
One of our proudest moments was hosting our information day, “Informed Patient”, on December 15. It was aimed at stroke patients and their needs, and featured lecturers from state institutions, medical facilities, and collaboration partners and it was all well received by stroke survivors. These efforts did not go unnoticed, the event received coverage in the media, including TV, newspapers, and health portals.
To further solidify our commitment to patient advocacy, we were honoured to be re-elected as a member of the North Estonian Regional Hospital’s patient advisory board for the period 2024-2027.
As we move into 2024, our Society will continue our focus on science, innovation, and collaborations with patient associations, both within Estonia and abroad.
Elen Kirt, Estonian Stroke Patients’ Society
If you have any questions about Estonia’s activities, please contact Elen Kirt
If you have news to share about your organisation, please e-mail Anna Scott on
Jan 18, 2024
We are now only two months away from the next European Life After Stroke Forum which takes place in Dublin on the 11-12 March. This second in-person life after stroke focussed event promises to be a vital platform for sharing insights, discussing the latest research, and delving into best practices in this often under-researched topic. We will be bringing together stroke survivors, caregivers, healthcare professionals, researchers and advocates to address life after stroke issues.
Dec 18, 2023
Last week saw five SAFE members travel to Strasbourg to join the European Alliance for Cardiovascular Health (EACH) and European Stroke Organisation (ESO) to come together to jointly advocate for population-wide access to cardiovascular risk assessments and care pathways that focuses on individual patients needs and goals. SAFE and ESO have committed to ensure that any EU CVH plan will also include the principles of the Stroke Action Plan for Europe.