Two weeks until our next webinar on 29 September – book your free place

Two weeks until our next webinar on 29 September – book your free place

Join carers, stroke survivors and health professionals across Europe for the third in our series of free webinars on Life After Stroke: caring for the caregiver.

Speakers Carlo Semenza (Italy), Carla Pereira (Portugal) and stroke support organisation Cerebrum (Czech Republic) who will discuss the challenges faced by informal carers and the impact it has on health and wellbeing as well as good practice examples of carer support and how to implement them.

Book your free place now at

Three weeks to go until our next European Life after stroke webinar!

Three weeks to go until our next European Life after stroke webinar!

Register NOW for FREE for the Life after stroke: caring for the caregiver webinar:

At this meeting we will address some of the challenging aspects posed to informal carers and the impact that caring for a stroke survivor might have on their lives. It will also cover predictors of wellbeing and resilience in carers and good practice examples of carer support and how to implement them.

Find out more about this event here:

Speakers for the 29 September Life After Stroke webinar confirmed 

Speakers for the 29 September Life After Stroke webinar confirmed 

We are delighted to let you know that Professor Carlo Semenza from Italy and Dr Nuno Ferreira, Professor of Clinical Health Psychology at the University of Nicosia will be presenting at the Life After Stroke: caring for the caregiver webinar on 29 September 2021.

They will be joined by stroke support organisation Cerebrum, Czech Republic, who will be sharing their experiences of developing support for informal carers.

Book your free place now at 

Professor Avril Drummond talks about Life After Stroke in latest issue of the CNS Journal

Professor Avril Drummond talks about Life After Stroke in latest issue of the CNS Journal

Chair of the European Life After Stroke Forum Scientific Committee, Professor Avril Drummond, highlights the lack of emphasis on improving life after stroke for survivors and how this must be addressed.

‘ the needs of stroke survivors and their families….has not previously been given the focus it deserves’

‘few opportunities exist….in this neglected but vital area of care’

The European Life After Stroke Forum series of webinars in 2021 aims to build the life after stroke healthcare, research and patient community, stimulate debate and ultimately improve life after stroke care and build interest for our 1st European Life After Stroke Forum on 11 March 2022. To book your place on the next free webinar on Caring for the caregiver go to

Download the pdf here

For more information on the European Life After Stroke webinars go to

SAFE participates in the Advocacy Exchange Open House Event on 12 August 

SAFE participates in the Advocacy Exchange Open House Event on 12 August 

SAFE’s Director, Arlene Wilkie will be joining the Advocacy Exchange virtual event at 4-6pm EDT. 

The event is the largest cross-disease advocacy initiative in healthcare, giving access to patient organisations and free resources from over 50 organisations. Hosted by @GRYTHealth and @BristolMyersSquibb, register at #AdvocacyExchange

Three weeks to go until our next European Life after stroke webinar!

Caring for the caregiver – life after stroke webinar – open for registration now!

We are delighted to let you know that the third in our series of free webinars on Life After Stroke: caring for the caregiver, is now open for registration

The session looks at some of the challenging aspects posed to informal carers, and the impact that caring for a stroke survivor might have on their lives. It will also cover predictors of wellbeing and resilience in carers and good practice examples of carer support and how to implement them.

If you missed our other events in the Live After Stroke series of webinar, you can now catch up on demand at

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