European Life After Stroke Series March 2022 event – now available on demand

European Life After Stroke Series March 2022 event – now available on demand

If you missed our virtual event in March, you can now watch both plenaries at your leisure at our European Life After Stroke website

Our next event will be on 9 November 2022. For the latest updates and more information on our Life After Stroke series, sign up to our enewsletter

Thank you for the excellent presentations including stroke survivors stories/experiences. I will definitely be aiming to embed some of these thoughts into my practise to empower my patients to be equipped for self-management in order to give them quality of life as stroke survivors.

Event participant, Plenary 1, Life After Stroke: Be inspired and share control – the added value of self-management

Thank you so much for such an interesting presentation. It was particularly interesting to hear from ‘expert witnesses’ and real- life experience of challenges and coping strategies.

Event participant, Plenary 2, Life after stroke: Communication in everyday life

European Stroke Organisation Conference 2022

European Stroke Organisation Conference 2022

We had a successful face-to-face presence at the European Stroke Organisation Conference 2022 – the first since the start of the pandemic.

Some of the highlights include:

  • A Stroke Action Plan for Europe (SAP-E) workshop where Arlene Wilkie, presented alongside Hanne Christensen (Denmark) and Bo Norving (Sweden). Romania shared their experiences of improving stroke care and Ukraine, Portugal, Italy and Armenia shared their successes to date.


  • SAFE President, Harriet Proios, as well as presenting SAP-E awards to Bulgaria, Estonia, Italy, Germany, Greece and Serbia, for their work in promoting SAP-E, spoke of the importance of SAP-E in improving stroke care for stroke survivors.



  • Harriet gave a moving presentation on the FAST Heroes initiative, Saving the World One Grandparent at a Time, demonstrating the impact successful educational and prevention campaigns can have.


  • Rubina Ahmed, SAFE Board member from the Stroke Association, UK, took part in a panel interview on the patient perspective and how to involve stroke survivors in research.



World Health Assembly adopts the Global Action Plan

World Health Assembly adopts the Global Action Plan

The Intersectoral Global Action Plan (GAP) on Epilepsy and Other Neurological Disorders was adopted as a global health priority at the 75th World Health Assembly.

The GAP will address the worldwide and European challenges and gaps in providing care and services for people with neurological disorders, including stroke.

The European Federation of Neurological Associations calls for close alignment of the GAP with the European Union Non-Communicable Disease Initiative ‘Healthier Together’, expected to be adopted in June 2022.


Stroke Rehabilitation Webinar – 25 May 2022

Stroke Rehabilitation Webinar – 25 May 2022

The World Stroke Academy and the American Heart Association will be running a joint webinar on Guidelines for Stroke Rehabilitation on 25 May at 15.00 CET.

The webinar is free and accessible to anyone interested in learning about stroke rehabilitation and recovery.

Sign up here 


Cardiovascular Disease Plan for Europe launched 

Cardiovascular Disease Plan for Europe launched 

As a member of the European Alliance for Cardiovascular Health (EACH), we are pleased to see the launch of the Cardiovascular Disease Plan for Europe yesterday, (Monday 16 May 2022). 

EACH brings together patients, healthcare professionals, insurers, researchers and industry to tackle Europe’s leading cause of death. 

The proposed Plan aims to reduce premature and preventable deaths in Europe by one third in 2030, improve access for all to high quality cardiovascular risk assessments, set multi-disciplinary care pathways and pave the way for greater quality of life. 

It also aims to build further on the upcoming EU Non-Communicable Diseases Initiative ‘Healthier Together’ which will be developed with EU Member States, with national plans, tailored to country-specific realities and needs. 

Arlene Wilkie, SAFE Director General said:

We are excited to be involved in this initiative. It complements and strengthens the work that we are doing on the Stroke Action Plan for Europe 2018-2030 and ensures that stroke remains high on the European policy agenda. 

For more information about the plan see 

World Health Organisation Informal Consultation, 18-19 May 2022

World Health Organisation Informal Consultation, 18-19 May 2022

The World Health Organization (WHO) is holding a consultation with people living with non-communicable diseases and mental health conditions on the 18 and 19 May (09:00 – 12:00 CEST).

WHO is developing a Framework for Meaningful Engagement, which includes those living with stroke. The aim is to involve them in co-designing policies, programmes and principles. 

The consultation will include a mixture of presentations, discussions and breakout sessions. They will be co-led and facilitated by those with lived experience. 

Sign up here 

Clinical Trials Day Friday, 20 May 2022 

Clinical Trials Day Friday, 20 May 2022 

It is International Clinical Trials Day this Friday – the European Centre for Clinical Research Training has organised a free webinar on 20 May on International Clinical Trials Day.  

During this free online session, patients will share their journey in a clinical study. This will be an excellent opportunity for other patients to learn the benefits of clinical research.  

To register click here. 

1 in 5 Europeans have high blood pressure

1 in 5 Europeans have high blood pressure

On European Stroke Awareness Day (Tuesday 10 May) we raise awareness of one of 10 key modifiable risk factors of stroke – high blood pressure.

According to recent statistics from Eurostat (European Commission research), 1 in 5 Europeans have high blood pressure.

The highest levels of high blood pressure were recorded in Croatia (37% of people), Latvia and Hungary (both 32%).

In contrast, the lowest shares were recorded in Ireland (12%), Luxembourg, Romania and the Netherlands (all 16%).

Our Vice President Professor Anita Arsovska said:

The majority of strokes can be prevented by changing lifestyle and behaviours. Our stroke prevention website has been updated with all the latest facts and information to help people reduce their risk of stroke. It is available in six languages (English, French, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish).

Stroke prevention is a target outlined in the Stroke Action Plan for Europe. National stroke plans need to include stroke prevention and public health interventions to promote healthy lifestyles.

Find out more

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