Long term support

While most recovery from stroke take place within the first three to six months, many stroke survivors continue to regain movement or speech in the longer term and many say they would benefit from longer-term access to physiotherapy and speech and a language therapy.

Interventions may range from ongoing specialist therapy to home adaptations; from daily care needs being met to mental health support. Whatever the extent of their recovery, stroke survivors and their carers need information to help them adjust to their new circumstances, to know how to get help and support, to navigate the benefits system and to come to terms with disability.

The long-term impact of stroke varies from person to person and can include physical disability, communication problems, incontinence, sight problems, clinical depression and anxiety, seizures, spatial neglect, chronic pain, chronic fatigue and post stroke spasticity. For stroke survivors and their carers facing the breadth of these needs it can be difficult to plan and integrate support from a wide variety of health professionals.

Stroke survivors also face the challenge of adjusting to life after stroke – there home may need adaptations to improve access; they may face employment challenges and money worries; their social life and hobbies may be impacted.

SAFE recently published a report on the long-term needs of stroke survivors https://www.safestroke.eu/life-saved-is-a-life-worth-living/

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