Save the date for our first in-person Life After Stroke Conference, 10 March 2023
We are pleased to announce that we will be holding our first face-to-face conference on Life After Stroke on 10 March 2023 in Barcelona. The European Life After Stroke Forum was created to bring together researchers, scientists, medical professionals, health...

European Life After Stroke Forum Series 2022 open for registration
Our second free online event of 2022 on Wednesday 9 November is now open for registration. We are pleased to bring to you three exciting sessions focussing on key issues faced by people living with stroke: getting back to work; fatigue and getting active. Chaired by...

Stroke Action Plan for Europe Factsheet published
With the European Stroke Organisation, we have now published a Factsheet on the Stroke Action Plan for Europe 2018-2030. This summary will help more people understand the basic tenets of the Stroke Action Plan for Europe and how the Plan aims to improve stroke care...

Launched: European Life After Stroke Forum Series 2022
Our first free life after stroke online event of 2022 on Friday 11 March is now open for registration bit.ly/33vv8lG We are pleased to bring to you two exciting plenary sessions focussing on self-management and communicating after stroke with a mix of presentations...

Take a Selfie and help the FAST Heroes set a new official world record
Take a Selfie and help the FAST Heroes set a new official world record The FAST Heroes educational campaign wants to raise awareness of the symptoms of stroke. As part of their target to reach one million children, FAST heroes plan to set a new official world...