SAFE is hiring! We are looking for a General Manager

SAFE is hiring! We are looking for a General Manager

Stroke Alliance for Europe (SAFE) – Director/General Manager

Homebased with travel throughout Europe –  circa £50,000

This role will be delivered under contract to a self-employed individual with a contract for 24 months, subject to review at 6 months and 18 months

Stroke Alliance for Europe (SAFE)

Stroke Alliance for Europe is a coalition of 34 stroke patient organisations from 30 European countries, fighting together against stroke in Europe. SAFE’s vision is to work towards greatly decreasing the number of strokes in Europe and that all who are touched by stroke get the help and support they need.

SAFE therefore engages in activities such as campaigning, education, encouraging research, and growing stroke support organisations which contribute to the advancement of stroke prevention and the improvement of the quality of life of stroke survivors, their families and carers.

The Role
SAFE has made excellent progress over the last 12 years establishing a network of Stroke Support Organisations across Europe each operating at a local country level.
They are now looking for a Director/General Manager to oversee the work of SAFE and to support and enable a new and growing cohort of stroke support organisations, patient and carer advocates across Europe.

SAFE also has close relations with the European professional medics body, the European Stroke Organisation and is promoting the Stroke Action Plan for Europe to the EU and European countries. They are also members of EFNA and the EPF and this role will be involved in diplomacy with these and other pan European groups.
SAFE receives sponsorship from commercial organisations which needs effective planning and diplomacy to achieve, and effective management to deliver outcomes.
The development of new projects and promotion and marketing of existing projects are part of the overall role..

This role is the most senior of the paid roles in SAFE and as such is responsible for the effective management of SAFE and its workforce, and for the delivery of objectives determined with the Board.

Key tasks of role:
-Work closely with the President of the Board, with regard to offering leadership and support to the Board, staff and SAFE member organisations.
-To manage staff, contracted suppliers, and SAFE resources to ensure achievement of SAFE’s goals and sustainability.
-Work with external contacts throughout Europe and beyond to enable growth of SAFE and of Stroke Support Organisations in Europe
-Research and scope out requirements of proposed projects
-Report to and deliver the requirements of the SAFE Board, writing strategy, reports and other board material as required.
-Oversee the SSOFT tool, and manage all agencies/people ensuring the ongoing functionality of each module, ensuring co-ordination of different strands of activity to achieve a high quality, sustainable, usable product.
-Have overall responsibility for managing the budget, legal contracts and other financial elements of SAFE.
-Ensure all relevant strategic communication activity is delivered, and that digital platforms are utilised.
-Have overall responsibility to the Board for the delivery and expansion of income generation, and management of persons or agencies involved in these processes.
-Ensure Secretariat activity is supported and all meetings and business is delivered in timely and effective ways.
-Liaise with all relevant stakeholders , particularly the SAFE Board, throughout the year to ensure effective and timely communication
-Take primary responsibility with the Board secretary and secretariat for the creation and establishment of agendas for meetings, conferences and policy activity.
-Work closely with the Communications and Advocacy Manager to ensure maximum press and publicity

You can access the full description on the link provided below.

We encourage all suitable candidates to apply.

Stroke Survivors’ needs in Germany: There is no structured, standardised care management for stroke-patients when they return home

Stroke Survivors’ needs in Germany: There is no structured, standardised care management for stroke-patients when they return home

“Every year the German national “Day against Stroke” takes place on May 10th. In 2019 it will have the slogan “I can feel something you can’t see”, which is based on the German name of the child´s game “I spy with my eye…”. We want to raise public awareness to the unseen consequences of stroke like concentration and memory problems, visual impairment or states of anxiety. The foundation aims for major media coverage of the topic” says Dr Michael Brinkmeier, CEO of the German Stroke Foundation, Stiftung Deutsche Schlaganfall-Hilfe.

SAFE: What is one issue related to the life after stroke in your country that you think needs special attention?

MB: The survival-rate of stroke-patients in Germany has been increasing over the past 25 years due to excellent treatment in more than 320 specialised stroke units. Usually the stroke-survivors stay at the hospital for a couple of days and a rehabilitation clinic for a couple of weeks before they return home. This is when the situation becomes very difficult in most cases. Common questions of stroke survivors are: How often and where do I get the necessary therapies? Where do I get financial support to adjust my home for my disability? How can I return to work and what happens if I can’t? Will I be able to drive a car again? There are hundreds of questions that stroke-survivors and their families have to deal with. Many of them are overwhelmed by all the challenges they have to deal with – and they are left alone. So far, there is no structured, standardised case- and care management for stroke-patients in Germany when they return home. We know that the quality of live decreases after stroke – not only for the patients but also for their loved ones.

But all the administrative issues are not the only challenges. Some people have difficulties to maintain a healthy lifestyle after stroke or pause there medical treatment without consulting a doctor. Many still have difficulties to return to their usual social lives, especially when they suffer from invisible or in the public not well known psychological consequences. Employers have no understanding why employees after a stroke suddenly have concentration-issues or can’t remember or process new information. Friends are confused or even offended when  leaving  a party after an hour. Neighbors find it weird when being passed on the street without saying “Hello” – simply because the lack of seeing on that side. There is still a lot of work to do to support stroke survivors  in the month and years after their stroke and increase understanding.

SAFE: What would be the solution, i.e. what is your organisation’s position regarding this issue? 

MB: The goal of the “German Stroke Foundation” is very precise: We want every stroke-victim to get a stroke coordinator (a case and care manager) to support them for at least one year after stroke.

In 2017 we installed a project called “STROKE OWL” in the region of Ostwestfalen-Lippe (“OWL”). The project is financed with seven million euros by the German “Innovation Fonds”.  Specialised stroke case managers get in touch with the  patients at the stroke unit. The stroke survivor can take part in the program if he or she fulfills certain enrollment criteria. The coordinator informs patients and their families about everything they need to know, gives them advise and support. The manager organises the treatment and therapies, helps filling out applications and forms and looks after the patient in general. The foundation plans to enroll up to 2000 patients into the program. The project will be evaluated scientifically by the University of Bielefeld and all main health insurance companies of the OWL-region – covering two million people – are involved. By proving the advantages and positive effects of a case and care-management not only for the patients but also for the health care system in general the German Stroke foundation strives to support the establishment of stroke case management, which in the end is reimbursed by the insurance companies. Additionally there have been established many smaller, but similar projects all over Germany, which are connected to and supported by our foundation.

Some hospitals employ case managers, others are financed by communities or medical organisations – all with the same goal to improve the quality of life after stroke and reduce recurrent strokes.

Apart from building up a network of professional case managers the foundation has developed another complementary project: We have developed a curriculum to to educate and train volunteers becoming so called “Stroke-Helpers”. These volunteers help stroke-survivors in their everyday-life. They get groceries with them, go for a walk or play games. There are more than 300 “Stroke-Helpers” in Germany by now trained according to the standards set by us and numbers are rising.

SAFE: Please tell us more about your organisation. 

MB: The “German Stroke Foundation” celebrated her 25th birthday last year. When our president Liz Mohn established the foundation in 1993, there was hardly any specific stroke treatment at all. Due to this many patients were not treated at all, and the public, but also even experts had no idea that young people and even children could suffer from stroke. These days – fortunately – belong to the past. Thanks to the effort of many committed stroke experts working together with the foundation we now have more than 320 certified stroke units in Germany and one of the best systems to treat acute stroke in the world. About 400 self-support groups are supported by us and more than 200 doctors, mainly neurologists, dedicate time as volunteers being regional representatives of the foundation. We cooperate with more than 30 so called “stroke-offices” all over Germany where stroke-survivors and their families can get information and support. The national “Day against Stroke” on May 10th has been established by the foundation in 1999. It helps raising awareness to the topic for example with media reports and many events, in which our network and other partners from industry and the public sector are included.


SAFE starts with the first Regional Conference in 2019 on May 9th

SAFE starts with the first Regional Conference in 2019 on May 9th

This year, SAFE Regional Conferences will be held in Paris on Thursday May 9th, Krakow on Wednesday June 12th and Stockholm on Wednesday June 26th.

SAFE member organisations from 30 European countries will gather within their clusters to discuss the following items:

  • A review of SAFE’s work, including the updating of its strategy and a discussion of its relationship with, and activities addressing the importance of co-morbidities
  • Discussion of the implementation of the Stroke Action Plan for Europe, focusing particularly on work that can be done in each country and stakeholder engagement and partnership in advocacy
  • An update on the Romanian Presidency event
  • Translations of materials and promotion of the prevention website
  • Utilisation of the SSOFT website to enable growth of SSOs and more effective advocacy
  • Preliminary findings and messages arising from the Economic Impact of Stroke research
  • SAFE Research Projects
  • SAFE and World Stroke Day 2019
  • Round-up of activity from attending members

SAFE is thankful to Boehringer Ingelheim for the continued sponsorship of our Regional Conferences.

Stroke Survivors’ needs in Serbia: The state provides up to three months of medical rehabilitation- after that, you’re on your own

Stroke Survivors’ needs in Serbia: The state provides up to three months of medical rehabilitation- after that, you’re on your own

“Our country is small in population, around 7 million in total, but we are among the countries with the highest stroke incidence. Approximately 25.000 strokes occur every year in Serbia. With numbers as high as this, a person would think that we are getting closer to a solution of how to take care of those who survive stroke, but the reality is- we are still very, very far from it. As the Stroke Action Plan for Europe 2018 – 2030 stated, the issues that stroke survivors are facing long term have historically been ignored, and this is what we are hoping to see changed, with the implementation of this Plan, over the next 10-12 years” says Dr Ivan Milojević, Vice President of the Serbian stroke organisation “Moždani udar” and SAFE Board member.

SAFE: What is one issue related to the life after stroke in your country that you think needs special attention?

IM: One of the basic things we consider as the biggest problem in Serbia is the nonexistence of an organized service which would deal with patients after stroke. In our country there is a rehabilitation that involves active participation of medical institutions up to 3 months after stroke and later after that patients are left on their own, or to their families. Even if there is an early rehabilitation provided shortly after stroke in the stroke units, and rehabilitation provided later after that in rehabilitation centres and specialized physical rehabilitation facilities, that is not enough, and stroke survivors long term needs for rehabilitation after stroke are not satisfied. Apart from regular check-ups by a neurologist, there are no other forms of organized monitoring of stroke survivors.

SAFE: What would be the solution, i.e. what is your organisation’s position regarding this issue? 

IM: One of the main ideas that led to forming our association was, among others, about finding a way to organise stroke survivors’ gatherings, so they could share their experiences as peer to per support, and to include them in social activities.  We tried to form Stroke clubs, and we are still working on finding the most suitable way to organise this activity. Unfortunately, this is not easy, because our organization is small and doesn’t have financial susatainability that would enable us to have our own space or to rent one for this type of gatherings. Our association has an active two-way communication with stroke survivors via our social network pages. They share with us their stories and we share them through our website and social media channels. We hope these stories might inspire and encourage other stroke survivors to overcome their problems. In that way, and by organizing public campaigns and actions, we are helping the voice of patient to be heard.

SAFE: Please tell us more about your organisation. 

IM: Association “Moždani udar” was founded on 30th July 2012 as an NGO. As representatives of stroke patients, we are dedicated to raising awareness of all aspects of stroke. We are involved in many activities and campaigns that cover primary prevention, stroke symptoms early recognition, stroke treatment, rehabilitation, and life after stroke.  We were and are part of European and World stroke campaigns, as well as some of the most prominent European projects (Angels Initiative, Stroke Support Organisation Faculty Tool – SSOFT etc). We also share an up-to-date progress information of EU funded stroke research projects by disseminating materials on our language.




New EU Project „ENTRAIN“ – Research on inflammation in the brain to improve the therapies for stroke, Alzheimer disease  and multiple sclerosis

New EU Project „ENTRAIN“ – Research on inflammation in the brain to improve the therapies for stroke, Alzheimer disease  and multiple sclerosis

The University of Luebeck is coordinating a new Marie Curie Innovative Training Network called “ENTRAIN”. The project is being funded by the EU commission with 3.6 Mill Euro. Thirteen partner organizations from academia and industry in 9 European countries will be investigating inflammatory processes in the brain, especially those associated with stroke, Alzheimer disease and multiple sclerosis. ENTRAIN follows the project “nEUROinflammation”, which had been funded by the EU since 2013 and was successfully completed in 2017.

The results of nEUROinflammation lead the group to investigate the interactions of specific cell types in the brain, called endothelial cells and microglia, in the current project. The outcome has the potential to improve the therapy of stroke, Alzheimer disease and multiple sclerosis.

The international project will run for 4 years. It aims to support the education of PhD students and to strengthen scientific cooperation in Europe. All in all, 14 postgraduates will work in the research institutions of the partners and participate in workshops and trainings. They will also spend up to 6 months in other partners’ laboratories.

The consortium members of „ENTRAIN“ include the University of Luebeck (Germany), the University Bern (Switzerland), the Westfälische Wilhelms-University Münster, the University Medical Center Freiburg, the  Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (Switzerland), Stichting VUMC (Netherlands), the Hungarian Academy of Science (Hungary), die Universita Degli Studi di Brescia (Italy), die Universite de Caen Basse-Normandie (France), the Istituto di Ricerche Farmaco-logiche Mario Negri (Italy), the University of Helsinki (Finland), the Agenca Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas CSIC (Spain) as well as the company Mimetas BV(Netherlands). The research consortium will be supported by the companies Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH & Co. KG, Brendinn Therapeutics, Dualsystems Biotech AG and Polygene AG as well as the patient organizations Incontinetia Pigmenti France und Stroke Alliance for Europe. Leading experts from these institutions will supervise the PhD students.

Prof. Dr. Markus Schwaninger, Institute for Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Luebeck, will serve as project coordinator. Susanne Zimmermeier will cover administrative aspects and Dr. Walter Häuser will organizes trainings and workshops for the PhD students; both are also located at the Institute for Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Luebeck.

Overall there are 14 individual projects involving 14 postgraduates. Two of these projects are based in the Institute for Pharmacology and Toxicology at the University of Luebeck: „Brain macrophages in the remodelling of microvessels“under the supervision of Markus Schwaninger and „Brain endothelial signalling and its regulation by myeloid cells“ under the supervision of Jan Wenzel.

The project starts on May 1st, 2019. At that time the new homepage will be launched. There you can find details of the project and candidates will have the possibility to apply online.

The Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions gives universities, research institutions and industrial companies the opportunity to apply for a funding to set up a European network for the structured education of young researchers to support cross-border and cross-sectoral mobility of researchers and to improve their career advancement and knowledge exchange.

The featured image description and credits: Capillary endothelial cells and microglia in a rat brain cryosection, website ThermoFisher Scientific.

The Stroke Association UK: Our rebuilding lives campaign

The Stroke Association UK: Our rebuilding lives campaign

Too many people affected by stroke aren’t getting the support they need. As a charity, the Stroke Association UK knew they needed to reach more people.

On Friday 26 April they have launched their first ever TV-led marketing campaign, Rebuilding Lives.

Rebuilding Lives is aimed to change the way people think about stroke using the real life stories of stroke survivors. Told in their own words. Unscripted. Unfiltered. It is directed by award-winning director Lotje Sodderland, who is herself a stroke survivor. The stories told show that stroke can strike anyone at any time, changing lives in an instant, but that life after stroke is possible. With the right specialist support and a ton of courage and determination, people can recover and adjust to a new normal. The Stroke Association is there to support people to rebuild their lives after stroke.

For more information, please visit 

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