European Stroke Organisation Conference 2022, 4-6 May – best in stroke science and practice

European Stroke Organisation Conference 2022, 4-6 May – best in stroke science and practice

The annual European Stroke Organisation Conference, 4-6 May 2022, Lyon, France will offer the best in stroke science and practice.

The programme includes results of large clinical trials, new science and knowledge emerging from the laboratory as well as optimal ways to implement best practice in stroke. The Conference is the place for science, exchange, education and collaboration.

If you cannot make Lyon, the Conference will be in a hybrid digital format which will enable all registrants to follow the sessions via live-stream and to watch them again, on demand, for up to three months after.

Register here


Brain Innovation Days launched, 11 – 12 October 2022, Brussels, Belgium

Brain Innovation Days launched, 11 – 12 October 2022, Brussels, Belgium

The Brain Innovation Days will be held on 11 – 12 October 2022 in Brussels, Belgium.
The event will centre around Connecting Brains: bringing together the current and future generations of brain research and innovation.
Key players and experts in the brain space across Europe will be able to connect through a networking-friendly programme and innovation showcasing.
Survey for people living with stroke and their carers

Survey for people living with stroke and their carers

The European Federation of Neurological Associations has launched a survey, Assessing diagnosis and care pathways of people living with neurological disorders in Europe.

The survey aims to identify the challenges faced by all affected by neurological conditions, including stroke.

The survey is open to anyone 18+, living with a neurological disorder, or their carers.

It is available in eight languages (English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish and Romanian).

Data generated through this survey can be used to address the unmet needs and challenges faced by all affected by neurological conditions, including stroke.

Deadline for completing the survey is 19 April 2022.

Arlene Wilkie highlights the importance of Life After Stroke

Arlene Wilkie highlights the importance of Life After Stroke

There are more than nine million people living with stroke in Europe.

The number of people living with stroke is set to increase as our population ages.

Life after stroke is a key component of the stroke care pathway. It needs to be made a priority and improved across Europe.

Check out this short video by Arlene Wilkie, Director General of SAFE, to know more about the importance of life after stroke.

Find out about our European Life After Stroke Series and the Stroke Action Plan for Europe