Jul 1, 2020
Today we are launching a call for abstracts for the Ist European Life After Stroke Forum which will be held on 12 March 2021.
Our conference programme covers a range of topical issues in life after stroke as well as cutting-edge developments in response to COVID-19. The programme will comprise keynote lectures by eminent invited speakers supplemented by contributed talks and a poster session. Our draft programme is here.
We are now seeking abstracts for the Life After Stroke Forum, which may give those interested an opportunity to present either a ten-minute oral presentation or a poster presentation.
We are calling on for applications in two areas:
- Scientific applications: this may be for completed for ongoing trials and studies in the broad area of life after stroke.
- Grab and Steal: this is to share experiences of service developments in life after stroke where these original ideas and innovative practices could be used by others.
For more information on how to apply – click here.
“Life after stroke is a neglected area of the stoke care pathway. It is a particularly important issue for stroke survivors and their carers.
To address this issue, SAFE is organising a first of its kind event in Europe – a one day Life After Stroke Forum.
This will create an opportunity for those who have an interest in this area, whether from a research, policy, advocacy, or support oriented perspective, to come together to share and network.
As chair of the European Life After Stroke Forum scientific conference committee I am delighted that SAFE is launching its call for abstracts today. I am looking forward to receiving excellent applications, whether scientifically, or service development focused, from all over Europe”. Professor Avril Drummond
Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay
Mar 27, 2020
Source: World Stroke Organization
The Global Stroke Alliance Meeting, held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil from March 11 to 14 was an innovative meeting that aimed to stimulate a global alliance to improve stroke care worldwide and to discuss the best strategies to implement evidence-based interventions access the continuum of care
The Global Stroke Alliance Meeting brought together leaders from 20 countries around the world with extensive experience in the organization of stroke systems of care, alongside researchers, health professionals, health managers, scientific societies, private hospitals, industry and patients associations. There were 570 in person participants and several by teleconference, with live transmission from the main sessions. The meeting reached its goal of disseminating knowledge, exchanging experiences and creating action plans tailored to each region. All actors working together, joining initiatives and adding efforts in the same direction.
In addition to representatives of international stroke societies, several representatives of Ministry of Health of Brazil and Ministry of Latin American countries, Health Secretaries from States and Cities of Brazil, the meeting included a strong participation of Dr. Anselm Hennis, Director of Non-Communicable Diseases of Pan American Health Organization from Washington – that represents World Health Organization in Americas.
The dynamics of the event included a series of forums on the most diverse themes, in an attempt to cover all fronts related to the disease -research, political, logistical and educational.
You can read the full article here.
Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay
Mar 9, 2020
First published on ARNI Institute for Stroke Rehabilitation website | March 9, 2020
Neuromodulatory non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) techniques are experimental therapies for improving motor function after stroke. The aim of neuromodulation is to enhance adaptive or suppress maladaptive processes of post-stroke reorganisation. However, results on the effectiveness of these methods, which include transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) are mixed. It’s posited that recent developments in NIBS technology will likely contribute to individualised therapy. Moving beyond single-area stimulation, targeting specific muscle groups that play different roles in post-stroke motor recovery (for example, finger flexors vs. extensors) may well be possible using multi-locus TMS. NIBS in stroke faces a challenge reminiscent of the development of other stroke therapies, such as thrombolysis and mechanical thrombectomy, where early studies were largely mixed before patient selection and individualising protocols were refined to determine its therapeutic potential.
So, researchers at UCL want to find out:
- How brain activity changes after someone has a stroke.
- If weak, non-invasive brain stimulation could encourage the brain into a pattern of brain activity which is useful for upper limb rehabilitation.
Please follow this link to red the full article.
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
Feb 28, 2020
European Stroke Organisation and World Stroke Organization Conference ESO-WSO 2020
May 12-15, 2020
Austria Center Vienna
Bruno-Kreisky-Platz 1
1220 Vienna, Austria
The world’s largest and most important congress on the subject of stroke will take place in Austria’s capital from May 12 to 15. For the first time, the European Stroke Organisation (ESO) and the World Stroke Organization (WSO) are jointly organizing this expert conference. Around 6,500 participants are expected, including leading stroke specialists from all over the world. More than 3,000 abstracts have been submitted.
In addition to the initial presentation of large clinical studies, important current topics such as the increasing significance of thrombectomy will be discussed. Another major focus is stroke prevention, which is a global challenge.
For further details on the ESO-WSO 2020, please visit https://eso-wso-conference.org
If you have not yet put a placeholder in your diary for this important event, we encourage you to do so.
Media registration is open – please send an e-mail to reg_esowso20@kenes.com
Press contact
Urban & Schenk medical media consulting
Barbara Urban: +43 664/41 69 4 59, barbara.urban@medical-media-consulting.at
Harald Schenk: +43 664/160 75 99, harald.schenk@medical-media-consulting.at
Yours sincerely,
Prof. Jesse Dawson (ESO) Prof. Michael Brainin (WSO)
Co-Chair of the Conference Planning Group Co-Chair of the Conference Planning Group
Dr. Mira Katan, Prof. Patrik Michel, Prof. Stefan Kiechl, Dr. Vasantha Padma,
Dr. Diana Aquiar de Sousa, Dr. Yvonne Chun (PR Committee / Press Liaison)
Barbara Urban, Harald Schenk (PR Liaison)
Feb 11, 2020
Please find below a link to access the new Oruen Round Table. Please be advised that this is for medical professionals.
This is a peer to peer discussion on the role of anticoagulation in the setting of cerebral venous thromboembolism.
- CVT is a rare type of stroke and peripheral venous thromboembolism
- There is scientific evidence supporting anticoagulation in the acute phase of CVT but scant data to guide longer-term oral anticoagulation
- Non-vitamin-K oral anticoagulants (NOACs) are being investigated as an alternative to warfarin in patients with CVT for longer-term management
This discussion’s audience is for the general neurologists and stroke specialists across Europe, once completed, learners will be able to:
- Discuss risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE) after cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT)
- Explain the design of RE-SPECT CVT trial
- Analyse outcomes in RE-SPECT CVT trial
(please note this content is not available for physicians in the UK & US)
José Ferro
Department of Neurosciences and Mental Health
Hospital Santa Maria/Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Norte
Lisbon, Portugal
Hans-Christoph Diener
Faculty of Medicine
University Duisburg-Essen
Essen, Germany
Jonathan Coutinho
Department of Neurology
Academic Medical Center University of Amsterdam
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
This round table discussion was filmed in Amsterdam by Oruen and was supported by Boehringer Ingelheim.
This discussion has been awarded 1 CME credit by the EACIC; instructions on how to obtain your CME credit will follow at the end of this video.
Feb 4, 2020
Professor Valeria Caso, Associate Professor of Neurology, University of Perugia Stroke Unit, Perugia, Italy, Professor Helmut Pürerfellner, Department of Cardiology, Public Hospital Elisabethinen, Linz, Austria and Professor Georgios Tsivgoulis, Associate Professor of Neurology, Second Department of Neurology, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece discussed the different types of stroke and how it is a major healthcare issue. They also discussed the value of prolonged monitoring in selected ESUS patients, and also some new data that might reconfirm what we already know – that if we have longer monitoring in some of those patients, then we will have even better outcomes.
Learning Objectives
- New evidence and increasing the awareness of atrial fibrillation (AF) in cryptogenic stroke patients.
- Treatment approaches from the guidelines and the latest study evidence.
- AF, stroke, and related symptoms, and why the evidence from the past is important.
- Why ESUS needs prolonged monitoring and how new data may benefit patients.
For accessing the webinar video, please click on the button below:
Oruen Webinar
For further information please visit Oruen website.
This webinar was supported by Medtronic.