Breaking news – our 1st European Life After Stroke Forum is going virtual!

Breaking news – our 1st European Life After Stroke Forum is going virtual!

We are excited to announce the first ever European Life After Stroke Forum is going virtual.

With so much uncertainty in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, we can now ensure that this important event will be able to go ahead and be accessible to many more delegates across Europe.

If the ELASF is not already in your calendar, make sure you add 12 March 2021 and watch this space for more information in the next few weeks.

We’ll be will post regular updates on our website, including how to register, on our website and on social media, in the coming months. If you would like to know more – why not follow us on Twitter @StrokeEurope #ELASF or sign up to our enewsletter for regular updates

Research and investment in all aspects of the life after stroke care pathway has been neglected. This forum is unique and crucial in bringing together the latest research and needs of stroke survivors to contribute to the SAPE and ultimately improve life after stroke across Europe.


Image by Alexandra_Koch from Pixabay

World Stroke Day!

World Stroke Day!

We are proud to support World Stroke Day on 29 October.

1 in 4 of us will have a stroke – Don’t be the One and join the MoveMent – be part of the world’s biggest dance chain to prevent stroke.

Help us raise awareness of stroke on World Stroke Day.

Reach out to everyone you know and ask them to help get the message out and even better to be part of the Global Dance Chain Challenge.

Spread the word about World Stroke Day by sharing on social media and emails.

To find out more follow @WStrokeCampaign or check out their website here

Message from the SAFE President

Message from the SAFE President

Dear Friends,

We are in very difficult times. We have never seen a pandemic like this affecting our everyday lives. I hope you and your loved ones are safe and well. We want to let you know that SAFE is here for you and continuing to work despite all the problems around.

While COVID 19 is at the forefront of our thinking, stroke still exists. We know that many of you will be at the front line of services and will be seeing the impact of COVID on individuals who have suffered from stroke. We want to hear from you, we want to know what is happening to stroke survivors in your country, we want to know what is happening to your stroke support organisations and we want to know your ideas as to how we can help.

In addition to finding out how COVID 19 is affecting you and your country, SAFE has adapted its work for 2020. Unfortunately, we have not been able to meet with our members through our usual regional meetings, but we have managed to been up, virtually, June and we will again in November. We have delayed the launch of our economic burden of stroke report until November year. The SAFE General Assembly will be held in November this year and we will do this virtually as we are not able to gather you together for a face to face meeting. I am also excited to let you know that that our first European life after stroke forum is going virtual! The date of 12 March 2021 remains the same and we will share more information with you over the coming months. We will fund one representative from your SSO, and one therapist or nurse from your country.  The conference will also be open generally to delegates interested in improving life after stroke services. More information, please click here.

What is happening in the world is a lot for everyone to take in just now, and everyone is having to rapidly adapt their lives on a daily basis. I would like to thank all of you for all the exceptional work you are doing. Please continue to keep well and be safe, do what you can to ensure the survival and sustainability of your stroke support organisation, and we hope to hear from you soon.

With best wishes,

Jon Barrick

On behalf of the Board of SAFE

The European Stroke Organisation-World Stroke Organisation conference has gone digital!

The European Stroke Organisation-World Stroke Organisation conference has gone digital!

The European Stroke Organisation-World Stroke Organization 2020 conference has gone digital!

This is a great opportunity to hear about the new and exciting international stroke research that is happening. Here is some more information for you:

SAFE will also have a digital booth at the conference – please visit us!

if you are interested in attending, click here to register:


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