World Stroke Organisation free campaign skills workshops 

World Stroke Organisation free campaign skills workshops 

The World Stroke Organisation is running a series of free workshops for anyone interested in getting their campaign plans in better shape, or working on specific communication skills.

Developed with input from non-communicable disease, and stroke advocacy and awareness campaign leaders, participants will be able to explore scenarios, engage with a case study and think about how to develop awareness and advocacy campaign strategies and employ tactics that can help deliver local change.

23 September – 3pm CEST

What needs to change? Using local data to identify needs and campaign for change in stroke prevention, treatment and support.

30 September – 3pm CEST

Community connection Engaging communities and amplifying patient voice in awareness and advocacy campaigns.

7 October – 3pm CEST

Where the magic happens Adapting global campaign strategies and choosing communication tactics to increase awareness and engagement.

 For more details and registration here

Two weeks until our next webinar on 29 September – book your free place

Two weeks until our next webinar on 29 September – book your free place

Join carers, stroke survivors and health professionals across Europe for the third in our series of free webinars on Life After Stroke: caring for the caregiver.

Speakers Carlo Semenza (Italy), Carla Pereira (Portugal) and stroke support organisation Cerebrum (Czech Republic) who will discuss the challenges faced by informal carers and the impact it has on health and wellbeing as well as good practice examples of carer support and how to implement them.

Book your free place now at

Three weeks to go until our next European Life after stroke webinar!

Three weeks to go until our next European Life after stroke webinar!

Register NOW for FREE for the Life after stroke: caring for the caregiver webinar:

At this meeting we will address some of the challenging aspects posed to informal carers and the impact that caring for a stroke survivor might have on their lives. It will also cover predictors of wellbeing and resilience in carers and good practice examples of carer support and how to implement them.

Find out more about this event here:

Speakers for the 29 September Life After Stroke webinar confirmed 

Speakers for the 29 September Life After Stroke webinar confirmed 

We are delighted to let you know that Professor Carlo Semenza from Italy and Dr Nuno Ferreira, Professor of Clinical Health Psychology at the University of Nicosia will be presenting at the Life After Stroke: caring for the caregiver webinar on 29 September 2021.

They will be joined by stroke support organisation Cerebrum, Czech Republic, who will be sharing their experiences of developing support for informal carers.

Book your free place now at 

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