Accreditation for the European Life After Stroke series confirmed

Accreditation for the European Life After Stroke series confirmed

The European Life After Stroke Forum Series event has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®).

Participants will be awarded three European CME credits (ECMEC®s) for attending both plenary sessions on 11 March 2022.

Plenary 1 – Be inspired and share control: the added value of self-management support, 10.00-11.30 CET

Drawing on examples from research and clinical practice, this session will inspire you to consider the potential of self-management support to help more people post stroke feel supported, engaged and confident to self-manage.

Our speakers are: Professor Fiona Jones (England), Dr Lisa Kidd (Scotland), and Professor Hanne Palleson and Mette Brandi (Denmark) will be sharing their research and insights on self-management, alongside stroke survivor Scott Ballard-Ridley (England).

Plenary 2 – Life after stroke: Communication in everyday life, 15.00 – 16.30 CET

This session will focus on overcoming communication barriers after stroke. Stroke survivors will share their experiences and show that even without aphasia, communication failures are common. It will explore potential solutions to address these issues.

Our speakers are: Professor Jean-Marie Annoni (Switzerland) will be joined by stroke survivors Mina Michalatou (Greece), Professor Jürg Schwyter (Switzerland) and Alexia Kountouri.

Join us!

Visit the website for programme details.

Book your free place at

Speakers confirmed – communication in everyday life after stroke event

Speakers confirmed – communication in everyday life after stroke event

Professor Jean-Marie Annoni, from Switzerland, is a confirmed speaker at our afternoon event on 11 March.

The session will focus on overcoming communication barriers faced by people with stroke.

Stroke survivors will share their experiences and show that – even without aphasia – communication failures are common. This can result in confusion and distress.

Listen to Professor Jean-Marie Annoni say why you should join him at the 2nd Life After Stroke plenary on 11 March, 15.00 -16.30 CET.

Sign up for your FREE place.

This event has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®)

For more information about the programme visit

Professor Thorsten Steiner shares the importance of the Essentials of Stroke Care

Professor Thorsten Steiner shares the importance of the Essentials of Stroke Care

The Essentials of Stroke Care was developed to support the implementation of the Stroke Action Plan for Europe.

It is a practical tool to help help healthcare professionals improve stroke care, containing an overview of evidence-based interventions for the whole stroke care pathway.

Find out what motivated Professor Thorsten Steiner to create Essentials of Stroke Care in this short video

Download Essentials of Stroke Care or find more resources at




Self-management experts confirmed speakers for the European Life After Stroke event

Self-management experts confirmed speakers for the European Life After Stroke event

Stroke survivor Scott Ballard-Ridley will be starting the morning session at our Life After Stroke event on 11 March 2022, 10.00 – 11.30 CET.

He will be joined by Professor Fiona Jones (England), Dr Lisa Kidd (Scotland), Professor Hanne Palleson and Mette Brandi (Denmark). They will be sharing their research and insights on self-management.

You will understand how genuine and authentic relationships help people living with stroke to become confident self-managers and the building blocks for how practitioners can develop good relationships with people with stroke.  Dr Lisa Kidd

Listen to Lisa Kidd talk about the session

View the full programme and register for a FREE place.

We are currently seeking accreditation for this event from the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education.

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