SAFE supports Brain Awareness Week 14 – 20 March

SAFE supports Brain Awareness Week 14 – 20 March

This awareness week is a global campaign to engage the general public in brain science, and the impact brain research has on our everyday lives.

During Brain Awareness Week, we will be focussing on the importance of stroke research.

We will highlight the latest news from our EU research partners:







‘Stroke research is so important in helping us reduce deaths from stroke and improve the health and wellbeing of stroke survivors.

That is why it is so important for us to support this EU research and promote the potential impact it can have on the stroke patient.’

Arlene Wilkie, Director General, Stroke Alliance for Europe

Life After Stroke event puts a spotlight on stroke survivors

Life After Stroke event puts a spotlight on stroke survivors

We are delighted that stroke survivors are taking the stage at our Life After Stroke event this Friday, 11 March 2022.

Stroke survivors Mina Michalatou, Greece, Jürg Schwyter, Switzerland, Scott Ballard-Ridley, England, and Alexia Kountouri, Cyprus, will share their experiences of overcoming communication barriers after stroke.

Find out more information about the full programme and book your free place.

The European Life After Stroke Forum Series event has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®).






Stroke Action Plan for Europe Factsheet published

Stroke Action Plan for Europe Factsheet published

With the European Stroke Organisation, we have now published a Factsheet on the Stroke Action Plan for Europe 2018-2030.

This summary will help more people understand the basic tenets of the Stroke Action Plan for Europe and how the Plan aims to improve stroke care across the seven domains of the stroke care pathway.

You can download the Factsheet and find out more information at

Survey launched to mark International Women’s Day

Survey launched to mark International Women’s Day

Today is International Women’s Day. To coincide with this, the European Federation of Neurological Associations has launched a survey, Assessing diagnosis and care pathways of people living with neurological disorders in Europe.

Despite higher prevalence among women of many neurological disorders gender stereotypes can lead to underdiagnosis and delayed treatment.

The survey aims to help identify the challenges facing all affected by neurological conditions, including stroke.

The survey is open to anyone 18+, living with a neurological disorder, or their carers and is available in eight languages (English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish and Romanian).




SAFE’s response to the war in the Ukraine

SAFE’s response to the war in the Ukraine

As a membership organisation representing Stroke Support Organisations from across Europe, our thoughts are with our colleagues, friends, stroke survivors, their families and carers in all the areas affected by this war. 

We do not condone any activity that negatively affects the welfare and the wellbeing of people with stroke and the wider stroke community, as well as all civilians in the Ukraine.

We remain focused and united with our partners and hope for a swift resolution.

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