Join us at the ANGIE Kick-start Programme

Join us at the ANGIE Kick-start Programme

The ANGIE Kick-start Programme, an initiative from the ANGIE project, invites researchers, clinicians, professionals, students and entrepreneurs with an interest in personalised and precision medicine to develop new therapies based on its technology platform.

ANGIE Kick-start is a pre-commercial adoption programme running from October 2022 to May 2023 that will allow you to start innovating with the technology developed in the ANGIE project.

The programme consists of a series of workshops on targeted drug delivery and entrepreneurship topics to help you develop your idea for a novel therapy. All participants will be mentored by an experienced venture builder, have access to leading experts in the field, and receive support to start a research project or a new venture.

Participation is free, and registration is still open!

To learn more about the programme and how to participate, please visit:


Prevention of stroke – share your story

Prevention of stroke – share your story

The latest opportunity from the NCD Alliance’s Our Views Our Voices Initiative: the expression of interest for series four of the NCD Diaries is now live and can be found HERE. The theme for this series is NCD prevention through the lived experience lens and the deadline for interest is 27 September.

The NCD Diaries is a global, multimedia storytelling project, and for this series advocates will have the opportunity to shed light on their lived experience of NCD prevention, including how certain prevention strategies, or lack thereof, have shaped their NCD journey. Series 4 will take place from October to December 2022. Please read the Criteria and Selection Process for more details before applying. Please submit your Expression of Interest by September 27th 2022 by 12pm GMT. The Expression of Interest form is only open to people with life experiences affiliated with or involved with members of the NCD Alliance, including national and regional NCD alliances.

Speakers for the 2nd session of the European Life After Stroke series announced

Speakers for the 2nd session of the European Life After Stroke series announced

Professor Avril Drummond (England), will be chairing the second session on 9 November 11.45 – 13.00 CET.

Fatigue after stroke is common and debilitating. Yet despite much research, there are many unanswered questions about fatigue and how best to manage it. Stroke survivors often report that clinicians do not talk to them about fatigue and some only learn much later that it is a symptom of stroke. This session will provide an overview of the topic and the important issues for both clinicians and stroke survivors.

Avril will be joined by speakers:

  • Ruth Miller, stroke survivor (England)
  • Gillian Mead, clinical academic (Scotland)
  • Anners Lerdal, clinical researcher (Norway)

Join us and you will learn about fatigue after stroke, why it is it important and what things might help.’

Professor Avril Drummond, Session Chair

Book your Free place now

Find out more about the European Life After Stroke Series at

We are currently seeking accreditation for this event from the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education.

Stroke Action Plan for Europe Status Report 2022 published

Stroke Action Plan for Europe Status Report 2022 published

The annual status report for the Stroke Action Plan for Europe has been published that highlights recent developments and achievements made towards improving stroke care across Europe.

From the inclusion of stroke as a priority in the EU NCD Initiative, Healthier Together Plan to the establishment of a strong and growing network of over 90 National Coordinators, from the publication of the Essentials of Stroke Care guidelines to the development of the National Stroke Plan template.

The Stroke Action Plan for Europe is making great progress in working towards better stroke care in Europe.

Read the report here:

World Stroke Organisation calls for stroke support organisation testimonials

World Stroke Organisation calls for stroke support organisation testimonials

At the 14th World Stroke Congress in Singapore in October 2022, the World Stroke Organisation will be showcasing the work of stroke support organisations from around the world.

They would like to share testimonials from stroke survivors, family and carers throughout the Congress.  This can be a short written piece, a quote, a poem, a photo, or artwork.

Find out more at

Please send your testimonials to by 10 October 2022.





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