Your Brain Has A “Delete” Button—Here’s How To Use It

Your Brain Has A “Delete” Button—Here’s How To Use It

The story by Judah Pollack and Olivia Fox Cabane, published on

Your brain’s delete button and how to use it – This is the fascinating way that your brain makes space to build new and stronger connections so you can learn more.
There’s an old saying in neuroscience: neurons that fire together wire together. This means the more you run a neuro-circuit in your brain, the stronger that circuit becomes. This is why, to quote another old saw, practice makes perfect. The more you practice piano, or speaking a language, or juggling, the stronger those circuits get. (more…)

The science of heartbreak: A spouse’s death boosts risk of cardiac arrhythmia

The science of heartbreak: A spouse’s death boosts risk of cardiac arrhythmia

Heartbreak, it turns out, is more than just a metaphor: After the death of one’s spouse, people are at higher risk of having an abnormal heartbeat, a new study finds.

Why it matters:

We know emotions can have physical effects. So-called “broken heart syndrome,” which can occur after intense emotional experiences (both sad and happy) is marked by an enlargement of the heart. Very stressful life events are known to boost the risk of a heart attack or stroke. But this is the first study to show that another manifestation of emotional stress may be an irregular heartbeat. (more…)

Synthetic voices, as unique as fingerprints

Synthetic voices, as unique as fingerprints

Rupal Patel at TEDWomen 2013 · 11:44 · Filmed Dec 2013

– I’d like to talk today about a powerful and fundamental aspect of who we are: our voice. Each one of us has a unique voiceprint that reflects our age, our size, even our lifestyle and personality. In the words of the poet Longfellow, “the human voice is the organ of the soul.” As a speech scientist, I’m fascinated by how the voice is produced, and I have an idea for how it can be engineered. That’s what I’d like to share with you.
I’m going to start by playing you a sample of a voice that you may recognize.
(Recording) Stephen Hawking: “I would have thought it was fairly obvious what I meant.” (more…)

Wearables help stroke victims

Wearables help stroke victims

Author: Eric Butterman

Imagine the feeling of not being able to do all the routine, effortless movements you’ve always performed. The motion of brushing your teeth. Putting one foot in front of the other to walk your dog. Even raising a spoon of cereal to your lips to start your day. This unfortunately can sometimes be the fate of a stroke victim. And rehabilitation can equal huge frustration, at a time when the patient is already frustrated. (more…)

They saved my father’s life: Daughters called 112 when dad had a stroke

They saved my father’s life: Daughters called 112 when dad had a stroke

Story by : Christer Wik

On Saturday, 10 September, Henrik Bystrom from Kil, Sweden, had a stroke. His daughters Hanna and Ella were of course afraid, but quickly called 112.
– You did the right thing. That’s why Henry is sitting here today. It is very important to get timely treatment when you get a stroke, says Marita Tore Heim Kase, Director of the department of neurology and rehabilitation at the Central Hospital in Karlstad. (more…)

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