SSOFT Project is taking off – SAFE announced their partnership with The Foundry Healthcare

SSOFT Project is taking off – SAFE announced their partnership with The Foundry Healthcare

After a highly competitive tendering process, SAFE is proud to announce their partnership with The Foundry Healthcare, a division of Foundry Communications Limited. The Foundry were successfully awarded the contract to develop SAFE’s new and exciting e-learning tool to help strengthen the advocacy capacities of our member organisations.

“This was one of those projects that had the whole agency talking. Everybody understood both the political and emotional motivators behind SSOFT and worked really hard to deliver a proposal that would meet the needs of its users. We are delighted to be working with SAFE to raise awareness of stroke and support all those affected “. Ian McKay, Digital Director and Founder

The Foundry Healthcare delivered a passionate and professional response to our brief, demonstrating they had the experience and skills to deliver against our primary objectives, which is enabling stroke survivors and their supporters to campaign for greater awareness and better care, and to build stroke support organisations” Jon Barrick Board President of SAFE. (more…)

After Zagreb Working Conference, SAFE has 32 member organisations

After Zagreb Working Conference, SAFE has 32 member organisations

The Working Conference and General Assembly of the Stroke Alliance for Europe (SAFE) took place at the Westin Hotel, Zagreb from 6-8th December, 2017. This was the most successful SAFE annual conference to date, with around one hundred delegates from more than 30 European countries.

SAFE delegates have approved at the General Assembly two new applications for membership that have been previously approved by the board.  These are from the Irish Heart Foundation and Beyinder Turkey.

A stroke support organisation Sdružení pro rehabilitaci osob po cévní mozkové příhodě (Czech Republic) have been reinstatement as a SAFE member.

France AVC did not comply with membership requirements during the 2017 and therefore did not become a full member until now. At this General Assembly, they have submitted the missing documents and the delegates confirmed their membership. (more…)

Medics: There is an expected increase of 34% in number of strokes

Medics: There is an expected increase of 34% in number of strokes

Please read below an excerpt from an article published in Croatian online portal about the SAFE Working Conference 2017.

Although the number of deaths caused by stroke is in decline, there are more people who survive an acute stroke, but there are also others who remain with a permanent disability…

Stroke Alliance for Europe (SAFE) is organising an Annual Working Conference in Zagreb, Croatia, from 6-8th December 2017. There will be more then 100 delegates from over 30 European countries. The Working Conference will cover topics such as current and future projects aiming to reduce the number of new strokes in Europe and enable better life for stroke survivors and their families with the consequences of this disease.

SAFE started a project called „Stroke Support Organisation Faculty Tool- SSOFT“. At the moment, the focus is on building an online platform for education of stroke support organisations and individuals about stroke and how to advocate for improvement of the prevention, treatment and post-stroke care.
In 2017, SAFE has finished a big project “Burden of Stroke in Europe”, in which Croatia took an active part.

Please read the whole article here.


For the first time: Burden of Stroke across Europe- Infographics country by country

For the first time: Burden of Stroke across Europe- Infographics country by country

With grateful thanks for its generosity to our industry partner Bayer, we are now presenting you with infographics based on the data from the Burden of Stroke Report, in SAFE branding, showing data country by country.
Please find your country infographic below these two general infographics, showing the size of the burden and the state of the stroke treatment across Europe.

You can open and download any specific infographic by clicking on the name of the country from the list below.

Czech Republic

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