The Stroke Action Plan for Europe draft document coming soon: Stay tuned!

The Stroke Action Plan for Europe draft document coming soon: Stay tuned!

The Stroke Action Plan for Europe draft document will become available for comments on 26th February 2018. It will be posted on a link, initially shared by ESO on their website and Social media accounts.

The link will lead to the whole document, containing texts from all 7 domains. The document will be in form of PDF and open for all comments, once you register and log in.

It will remain available for comments for two full weeks, starting from 27th February 2018.

SAFE will share the link from ESO’s website as soon as it becomes available, and we would like to encourage as many people as possible to get involved and help SAFE and ESO in shaping up recommendations for stroke prevention, treatment and rehabilitation from 2018 to 2035.

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Too few with stroke of the eye are treated to reduce future stroke

Too few with stroke of the eye are treated to reduce future stroke

Too few patients with retinal infarction, or loss of blood flow in the eye, are evaluated for stroke risk or seen by a neurologist, putting them at increased risk for another stroke, according to preliminary research presented at the American Stroke Association’s International Stroke Conference 2018, a world premier meeting dedicated to the science and treatment of cerebrovascular disease for researchers and clinicians. (more…)

Too few with stroke of the eye are treated to reduce future stroke

MIND diet may slow cognitive decline in stroke survivors

A diet created by researchers at Rush University Medical Center may help substantially slow cognitive decline in stroke survivors, according to preliminary research presented on Jan. 25 at the American Stroke Association’s International Stroke Conference 2018 in Los Angeles. The findings are significant because stroke survivors are twice as likely to develop dementia compared to the general population.

The diet, known as the MIND diet, is short for Mediterranean-DASH Diet Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay. The diet is a hybrid of the Mediterranean and DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diets. Both have been found to reduce the risk of cardiovascular conditions such as hypertension, heart attack and stroke. (more…)

Too few with stroke of the eye are treated to reduce future stroke

Experimental therapy could boost stroke recovery

First published on ScienceDaily

An experimental therapy being tested by University of Alberta scientists that targets the spinal cord may one day be key to spurring on enhanced recovery for stroke victims.

By injecting a drug called chondroitinase ABC (ChABC) into the spinal cord of rats 28 days after they suffered a stroke, researchers found they were able to enhance recovery by inducing amplified rewiring of circuits connecting the brain to the spinal cord. When they also combined the spinal therapy with rehabilitative training, recovery amplified further. (more…)

Finnish Brain Association’s blood pressure campaign “The Priceless Processor” awarded with the Health Act of the Year 2018 award by Tamro

Finnish Brain Association’s blood pressure campaign “The Priceless Processor” awarded with the Health Act of the Year 2018 award by Tamro

Tamro, Finland’s leading service provider and distributor of pharmaceuticals and health products, pronounced winners of The Health Awards 2018. The judges voted the Finnish Brain Association’s blood pressure campaign as the Health Act of the Year. Nightingale Health’s blood analysis for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases was selected as the Health Innovation of the Year. As stated on their website, with The Health Awards, Tamro rewards work that has effectively promoted the health of Finns, as well as brings promising innovations to the spotlight. Both winners received a prize of € 5 000. (more…)

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