On Brain Awareness Week’s sixth day we are focusing on VALIDATE which is using artificial intelligence (AI) to personalise acute stroke treatment and improve outcomes.

In ischemic stroke treatment, timely access to appropriate interventions is paramount. While there are a range of effective therapies, navigating the intricacies of individual patient cases and not accurately considering each individual patient holistically can influence treatment outcomes and long-term quality of life. 

The VALIDATE team are aiming to improve this. By using datasets from thousands of patient profiles and state-of-the-art AI models, they are developing and validating a clinical decision support system. Central to this project is the creation of a new App which aims to provide additional information for clinicians by predicting the outcome of different treatment strategies. This system will empower healthcare professionals in choosing the optimal treatment strategy tailored to each patient’s unique circumstances. 

Beyond providing accurate prognosis, the success of the Validate App hinges on gaining the trust of clinicians and patients in its implementation. To achieve this, rigorous testing in real-world clinical settings will be conducted through observational studies, validating its efficacy and reliability. 

For stroke survivors, the long-term implications could mean personalised treatment options and improved outcomes and quality of life. 

For more information visit the VALIDATE website https://validate-project.eu  

VALIDATE has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 777107. 

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