The Precious (Prevention of complications to improve outcome in elderly patients with acute stroke) research project, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 634809), ends at the end of November 2022.

The research began in June 2015 to find out if off-the-shelf treatments could reduce complications in older patients suffering from acute stroke and ultimately reduce lives lost to stroke and improve quality of life.

By the end of the clinical trial, almost 1500 stroke patients participated in the research across nine European countries. Researchers are now analysing the results which are hoping to be published in 2023.

Last year, SAFE interviewed Dr Bart van der Worp, UMC Utrecht, Netherlands, project coordinator about the research for Brain Awareness Week, read the interview here

Now, as the research closes, SAFE follows up with Bart for an update:

SAFE: What are you hoping the Precious research will show?

Bart: We hope that the analysis of the patient data will reveal answers to the following questions:

  1. If we are able to prevent infections and fever in the first four days after stroke with simple, safe, and inexpensive drugs, will this reduce the risk of death or dependency after stroke; improve quality of life; and reduce the length of hospital admission and healthcare costs?
  2. Does the prevention of vomiting with a simple and safe anti-emetic drug reduce the risk of pneumonia?
  3. Does the pain killer paracetamol also reduce blood pressure after stroke?
  4. Are there differences between countries in treatment restrictions after stroke, such as do-not-resuscitate orders, and do these restrictions increase the risk of death?

SAFE: When are you hoping to have the results of the trial?

Bart: The investigators across the nine participating countries are currently completing follow-up and collecting the most recent patient data. Analysis of the most important data will be completed by the end of this year, and we hope to present the main trial results at the European Stroke Organisation Conference in May 2023.

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