The first European Life After Stroke Forum will be in Barcelona, Spain on Friday 10 March 2023. The Forum is the place to find the latest evidence and research in life after stroke.

About the Forum

The Forum’s aim is to build the life after stroke healthcare, research and patient community, stimulate debate and build our collective knowledge in life after stroke.

Our ultimate goal is to improve the quality of life after stroke for the nine million people living with stroke in Europe.

Abstract submission

We are now seeking abstracts for the Forum, giving those interested an opportunity to present either a 10-minute oral presentation or a poster presentation.

We are looking for applications in two areas:

  • Scientific applications: for completed or ongoing trials and studies in the broad area of life after stroke
  • Grab and Steal: to share experiences of service developments in life after stroke where these original ideas and innovative practices could be used by others.

You have until 10 January 2023 to submit your abstract and we look forward to receiving your submissions.

Find out more

Abstracts will be reviewed and all submissions will receive their notification letter by Friday 10 February 2023.

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