As a member of the European Alliance for Cardiovascular Health (EACH), we are pleased to see the launch of the Cardiovascular Disease Plan for Europe yesterday, (Monday 16 May 2022). 

EACH brings together patients, healthcare professionals, insurers, researchers and industry to tackle Europe’s leading cause of death. 

The proposed Plan aims to reduce premature and preventable deaths in Europe by one third in 2030, improve access for all to high quality cardiovascular risk assessments, set multi-disciplinary care pathways and pave the way for greater quality of life. 

It also aims to build further on the upcoming EU Non-Communicable Diseases Initiative ‘Healthier Together’ which will be developed with EU Member States, with national plans, tailored to country-specific realities and needs. 

Arlene Wilkie, SAFE Director General said:

We are excited to be involved in this initiative. It complements and strengthens the work that we are doing on the Stroke Action Plan for Europe 2018-2030 and ensures that stroke remains high on the European policy agenda. 

For more information about the plan see 

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