On European Stroke Awareness Day, we highlight the critical work of the Stroke Action Plan for Europe (SAP-E) and the achievements to date, bringing us closer to improving stroke care across Europe

Arlene Wilkie, SAFE Director General and SAP-E implementation Co-Chair says:

Stroke is one of the biggest causes of adult disability in Europe 2018-2030 which impacts on all aspects of life – economic, social, medical, physical and mental health.

Together with European Stroke Organisation we have developed a number of documents and tools to improve stroke care in Europe which are being used by the SAP-E national co-coordinators to implement the SAP-E in their country.

Our aim for the SAP-E is to ensure that each European country has a national stroke plan, from prevention to life after stroke, that is implemented, funded and reviewed. We have achieved a lot so far since 2018, we have a long way to go and we are committed to implementing the SAP-E to ensure that we improvements in stroke treatment and care across Europe.

For more information visit https://actionplan.eso-stroke.org/highlighting-sap-e-successes-on-european-stroke-awareness-day/

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