It is our pleasure to invite you to the first SAP-E webinar, organised by the Steering Committee of the Stroke Action Plan for Europe 2018 – 2030. The webinar will provide a comprehensive overview of the project and its implementation progress.

The Stroke Action Plan for Europe (SAP-E) is a pan-European project, and sets targets for the implementation of evidence-based preventive actions and stroke services until 2030. It was outlined by the European Stroke Organisation (ESO) in cooperation with the Stroke Alliance for Europe (SAFE) to reduce the burden of stroke through improvement of care. SAP-E covers the entire chain of stroke care and was designed by a large group of stroke experts from all regions of Europe.

The event will be held online on Tuesday, 19 October from 14:00 – 15:00 CEST.

Six international speakers, some of them in their function as members of the SAP-E Steering Committee, will give you an introduction to the largest stroke project ever undertaken in Europe. For full programme details, please click here.

For participation, please register until 17 October 2021 by clicking here.

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