World Stroke Day is just two weeks away and WSO has been working hard to make sure that all of our members, stakeholders and supporters have the resources they need to activate the campaign in their community. Here are five key actions you can take to support the global campaign and drive home the message that when it comes to stroke minutes can save lives.

1 Use the toolkit

The World Stroke Day campaign toolkit has now been fully translated and ‘off the shelf resources’ including stroke symptom animations in Arabic, Chinese, English, Hindi, French, German, Portuguese (European and Brazilian), Russian and Spanish (European and Latin American) are available to support your campaign activation and engagement.

From e-mail signature footers, social media profile images, to stroke symptom animations for Instagram, these are great resources that can be used to share the global message while highlighting key issues in your community.  Please be sure to use the #Precioustime (or the translation provided in the toolkit) so we can monitor, spot, share and reflect your contribution in our World Stroke Day impact report.

2 Share the campaign video

The World Stroke Day video ‘Minutes save lives’ premiered on our social channels on Friday 1st Oct.  As well as beautiful images and a strong emotional narrative, the video incorporates an animation graphic  highlighting key stroke symptoms translated into campaign languages, You can find this content in our members Dropbox translated closed captions can be selected by users for spoken text. Video content is the most successful format for social media, we would encourage all of our members and stakeholders to share the campaign videos through your networks and share on your social media channels around World Stroke Day. Other ‘offline’ video sharing ideas include streaming the video onto public screens in hospitals, community venues, bus and railways stations, shopping and community centres.

3 Put your activity on the map

Our Global Map of Action shares details of the activities and events that our partners and the stroke community are planning to raise awareness of stroke on and around October 29th. Make sure you your register your action – no matter how big or small. This is an important measure for us in terms of campaign community engagement and helps us to show a world united and determined to tackle stroke.

4 Prepare and share a personal message

Personal messages on corporate and individual social media channels are a great way to help broaden the reach and raise awareness. We have created a simple to use, interactive social media and poster building tool on our website to help you prepare a World Stroke Day message. The tool supports messages in Arabic, Chinese, English, Hindi, French, German, Portuguese Russian or Spanish.

5 Light it up in blue

To highlight the importance of #Precioustime when it comes to stroke, a number of our members will be lighting up landmark clocks in indigo blue – the agreed awareness colour for stroke. Let us know if you have managed to achieve this in your community and be sure to share photos with the campaign hashtag.

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