As we wake up today, we know the devastating impact the Covid19 pandemic is having around the world. Our thoughts and prayers go out to those affected and the healthcare workers looking after them.

Today on European stroke awareness day we must also remember the devastating impact that stroke has every single day of every single year. Stroke can happen to any one of us and delaying treatment can cause serious lifelong disabilities.

Today on European stroke awareness day we urge anyone who has any symptoms of a stroke such as numbness or weakness of face, arm or leg (especially on one side of the body), vision problems, loss of coordination, confusion or trouble speaking or understanding, to go to hospital ASAP – the health system is still there for you. Please do not suffer alone. Your life could be saved. 

Today on European stroke awareness day we also call for governments across Europe to ensure that all health conditions – infectious and non-infectious – are treated equally. Covid19 is casting a very long shadow and we cannot allow our healthcare to fail our citizens. 

#StrokeDoesntStayHome  #StrokeStillMatters

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About SAFE

This Report was commissioned by Stroke Alliance for Europe (SAFE), a non-profit-making organisation that represents a range of stroke patient organisations from across Europe, whose mutual goal is to drive stroke as a topic up the EU and national political agendas. SAFE aims to decrease the number of strokes in Europe by advocating for more patient-centered research, better prevention, access to adequate treatment and a life after stroke worth living. Since 2004, project by project, SAFE is raising awareness of the major impact stroke has on individuals, families, countries and, finally, on the entire economy of Europe.

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