Source: World Stroke Organization

The Global Stroke Alliance Meeting, held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil from March 11 to 14 was an innovative meeting that aimed to stimulate a global alliance to improve stroke care worldwide and to discuss the best strategies to implement evidence-based interventions access the continuum of care

The Global Stroke Alliance Meeting brought together leaders from 20 countries around the world with extensive experience in the organization of stroke systems of care, alongside researchers, health professionals, health managers, scientific societies, private hospitals, industry and patients associations. There were 570 in person participants and several by teleconference, with live transmission from the main sessions. The meeting reached its goal of disseminating knowledge, exchanging experiences and creating action plans tailored to each region. All actors working together, joining initiatives and adding efforts in the same direction.

In addition to representatives of international stroke societies, several representatives of Ministry of Health of Brazil and Ministry of Latin American countries, Health Secretaries from States and Cities of Brazil, the meeting included a strong participation of Dr. Anselm Hennis, Director of Non-Communicable Diseases of Pan American Health Organization from Washington – that represents World Health Organization in Americas.

The dynamics of the event included a series of forums on the most diverse themes, in an attempt to cover all fronts related to the disease -research, political, logistical and educational.

You can read the full article here.

Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

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