SIMFER – Italian Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine has activated a teleconsultation service aimed at recently discharged stroke patients and their families who should continue rehabilitation treatments.

A.L.I.Ce OdV (Italian Stroke Association) spreads this new important free remote support and consultancy service offered by SIMFER Italian Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine.

In consideration of the difficulties that many patients find in accessing physiatric visits and rehabilitation treatments, due to the limitations imposed by the current situation, SIMFER has activated (in Italy) in collaboration with A.L.I.Ce Ferrara odv a telemedicine-rehabilitation service, a sort of “virtual clinic”, made available in totally free form, which makes use of a selected group of physiatrists, able to offer indications and information support relating to the needs of people with disabling conditions of different origin.

The patient or caregiver who needs it, can write an email to SIMFER ITALY  and will be contacted as soon as possible to carry out a teleconsultation with one of the SIMFER volunteer doctors.

For any additional information please visit

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

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