ESO-WSO 2020 congress is fast approaching. For the first time, two large congresses, the World Stroke Congress and the European Stroke Congress will merge into one, bringing together stroke researchers, medical experts, patient organisations, pharma industry, medical devices manufacturers and many others to Vienna, Austria between 12 – 15 May 2020.

The Stroke Alliance for Europe will have a stand at this big event, seizing opportunity for a direct communication with the congress delegates and promoting our flagship projects.

The ESO-WSO 2020 Key Dates

Late Breaking Abstract Submission: 24 February – 1 April 2020
Early Registration Deadline: 17 March 2020

A United Voice for Stroke

ESO-WSO 2020 will give people the opportunity to meet, discuss and learn from international speakers and peers. The Conference will be the biggest stroke conference to date!

If you wish to register and take advantage of the early bird rates that are available until 17 March 2020, visit for more information.


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