On November 22nd, 2018 EFPIA (The European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations) announced winners of this year’s Health Collaboration Award. The overall winner is the Angels Initiative project.

With over 80 entries received from across Europe, The Health Collaboration Awards gives an opportunity to showcase collaborative projects that have benefitted the lives of patients across Europe. Giving her reaction, EFPIA Director General, Nathalie Moll said “As we seek to address the challenges faced by patients and our healthcare systems, partnership and collaboration will be key. No one sector has all the answers and by putting patients at the heart of projects, pooling our resources and expertise and finding new, innovative ways of addressing health needs it is amazing what we can achieve. The entries and winners of this year’s Health Collaboration Awards are fantastic examples of that approach and I hope will provide food for thought and inspiration to us all.”

SAFE is proud to be part of the Angels Initiative project, providing critical information to stroke patients when they most need it, already in the stroke unit. SAFE’s contribution to this amazing project started in May this year simultaneously in 12 European countries: Spain, Serbia, Poland, Czech Republic, Latvia, Croatia, Macedonia, Greece, Ukraine, Georgia, Hungary and Turkey.

In selected hospitals in these countries, stroke patients and their carers will be provided with information on stroke and important next steps on their path to recovery. The patient-focused materials are made of five brochures, including a list of national, regional and local stroke support organisations, with their contact details, in order that patients and carers can access further support in the months and years following their stroke. The information provided in the brochures are kindly provided by the Stroke Association UK and then translated to all project languages, applying the information standard procedure for the translation.


The European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) represents the pharmaceutical industry operating in Europe. Through its direct membership of 36 national associations and 40 leading pharmaceutical companies, EFPIA’s mission is to create a collaborative environment that enables our members to innovate, discover, develop and deliver new therapies and vaccines for people across Europe, as well as contribute to the European economy. Our vision is for a healthier future for Europe. A future based on prevention, innovation, access to new treatments and better outcomes for patients.

About Angels Initiative

Every 30 minutes a stroke patient who could have been saved, dies or is permanently disabled, because they were treated in the wrong hospital.
Angels Initiative is building a global community of stroke centres and stroke-ready hospitals, working every day to improve the quality of treatment for every stroke patient.
The goal is to get 1500 stroke-ready hospitals around the world by May 2019.
For more information about Angels Initiative, please visit www.angels-initiative.com



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