Following the publication of EPF’s Transparency Guidelines, European Patients Forum would like to invite you to join a webinar to discuss transparent advocacy in patient organisations.

Health advocacy and lobbying is at the heart of the work of many patient organisations (whether it is local, national or European). Their mission statement often includes promoting a political, regulatory, and societal environment that are more patient-centred.

This means that patient organisations engage in lobbying activities on a regular basis. They do so by contributing the specific perspective of patients and people with chronic conditions to legislative processes, but also by pushing for the recognition and for actions on topics that are not yet necessarily on the political agenda (proactive advocacy). Thanks to Vitor Teixeira from Transparency International, the EPF will share with you the benefits of transparency and advocacy as well as a few practical tips on how to enhance your transparency in advocacy activities.

Practical information

Date: Friday 14th September 2018

Time: 15.30-16.15 CEST

How to register?

Register via this link, by 12 September at the latest. Please note that you will need a strong internet connection to fully enjoy the webinar.

And if I can’t make it?

If you can’t make it at the time of the live webinar, no worries! The webinar will be recorded and made available on EPF website.

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