Oruen – The CNS Journal is a peer-reviewed, open access publication, and has received CME accreditation from the European Accreditation Committee in CNS (EACIC), with a 100% focus on original CNS research topics, and the latest advances, diagnoses, and treatment of CNS disorders.

The Journal is distributed in print and electronically to thousands of physicians, researchers, academics, nurses, and related healthcare professionals with an interest in CNS disorders.  Both subscription and access are free and there are no contributory author fees for publication.  Papers submitted for publication are accepted based on their originality, likely impact on and relevance to clinical practice, data quality, and overall potential interest to the journal’s readership.

Oruen – The CNS Journal is published bi-annually. The first issue of the journal was published in May 2015

You can access the latest issue by clicking on the photo below:







For any questions or submission requests/enquiries please contact Dr James Coe – Head Editor editor@oruen.com

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